38.13.8 CxINT

CAN Interrupt Register
  1. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • CxINTT: Accesses the top byte INT[31:24]
    • CxINTU: Accesses the upper byte INT[23:16]
    • CxINTH: Accesses the high byte INT[15:8]
    • CxINTL: Accesses the low byte INT[7:0]
  2. Flag is set by hardware and cleared by application.
Name: CxINT
Offset: 0x011C

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000 

Bit 31 – IVMIE Invalid Message Interrupt Enable

1 Invalid message interrupt is enabled
0 Invalid message interrupt is disabled

Bit 30 – WAKIE Bus Wake-up Activity Interrupt Enable

1 Wake-up activity interrupt is enabled
0 Wake-up activity interrupt is disabled

Bit 29 – CERRIE CAN Bus Error Interrupt Enable

1 CAN bus error interrupt is enabled
0 CAN bus error interrupt is disabled

Bit 28 – SERRIE System Error Interrupt Enable

1 System error interrupt is enabled
0 System error interrupt is disabled

Bit 27 – RXOVIE Receive Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable

1 Receive buffer overflow interrupt is enabled
0 Receive buffer overflow interrupt is disabled

Bit 26 – TXATIE Transmit Attempt Interrupt Enable

1 Transmit attempt interrupt is enabled
0 Transmit attempt interrupt is disabled

Bit 20 – TEFIE Transmit Event FIFO Interrupt Enable

1 Transmit event FIFO interrupt is enabled
0 Transmit event FIFO interrupt is disabled

Bit 19 – MODIE Mode Change Interrupt Enable

1 Mode change interrupt is enabled
0 Mode change interrupt is disabled

Bit 18 – TBCIE CAN Timer Interrupt Enable

1 CAN timer interrupt is enabled
0 CAN timer interrupt is disabled

Bit 17 – RXIE Receive Object Interrupt Enable

1 Receive object interrupt is enabled
0 Receive object interrupt is disabled

Bit 16 – TXIE Transmit Object Interrupt Enable

1 Transmit object interrupt is enabled
0 Transmit object interrupt is disabled

Bit 15 – IVMIF  Invalid Message Interrupt Flag(2)

1 Invalid message interrupt occurred
0 No invalid message interrupt

Bit 14 – WAKIF  Bus Wake-up Activity Interrupt Flag(2)

1 Wake-up activity interrupt occurred
0 No wake-up activity interrupt

Bit 13 – CERRIF  CAN Bus Error Interrupt Flag(2)

1 CAN bus error interrupt occurred
0 No CAN bus error interrupt

Bit 12 – SERRIF  System Error Interrupt Flag(2)

1 System error interrupt occurred
0 No system error interrupt

Bit 11 – RXOVIF Receive Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag

1 Receive buffer overflow interrupt occurred
0 No receive buffer overflow interrupt

Bit 10 – TXATIF Transmit Attempt Interrupt Flag

1 Transmit attempt interrupt occurred
0 No transmit attemp interrupt

Bit 4 – TEFIF Transmit Event FIFO Interrupt Flag

1 Transmit event FIFO interrupt occurred
0 No transmit event FIFO interrupt

Bit 3 – MODIF  CAN Mode Change Interrupt Flag(2)

1 CAN module mode change occurred (OPMOD[2:0] have changed to reflect REQOP[2:0])
0 No mode change occurred

Bit 2 – TBCIF  CAN Timer Overflow Interrupt Flag(2)

1 TBC has overflowed
0 TBC has not overflowed

Bit 1 – RXIF Receive Object Interrupt Flag

1 Receive object interrupt is pending
0 No Receive object interrupts are pending

Bit 0 – TXIF Transmit Object Interrupt Flag

1 Transmit object interrupt is pending
0 No transmit object interrupts are pending
The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: CxINTT: Accesses the top byte INT[31:24] CxINTU: Accesses the upper byte INT[23:16] CxINTH: Accesses the high byte INT[15:8] CxINTL: Accesses the low byte INT[7:0] Flag is set by hardware and cleared by application.