38.13.7 CxVEC

CAN Interrupt Code Register
  1. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • CxVECT: Accesses the top byte VEC[31:24]
    • CxVECU: Accesses the upper byte VEC[23:16]
    • CxVECH: Accesses the high byte VEC[15:8]
    • CxVECL: Accesses the low byte VEC[7:0]
Name: CxVEC
Offset: 0x0118

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 1000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 1000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 1000000 

Bits 30:24 – RXCODE[6:0] Receive Interrupt Flag Code

1111111-1000001 Reserved
1000000 No interrupt
0111111-0000100 Reserved
0000011 FIFO 3 interrupt (RFIF[3] is set)
0000010 FIFO 2 interrupt (RFIF[2] is set)
0000001 FIFO 1 interrupt (RFIF[1] is set)
0000000 Reserved; FIFO 0 cannot receive

Bits 22:16 – TXCODE[6:0] Transmit Interrupt Flag Code

1111111-1000001 Reserved
1000000 No interrupt
0111111-0000100 Reserved
0000011 FIFO 3 interrupt (TFIF[3] is set)
0000010 FIFO 2 interrupt (TFIF[2] is set)
0000001 FIFO 1 interrupt (TFIF[1] is set)
0000000 FIFO 0 interrupt (TFIF[0] is set)

Bits 12:8 – FILHIT[4:0] Filter Hit Number

11111-01100 Reserved
01011 Filter 11
01010 Filter 10
00001 Filter 1
00000 Filter 0

Bits 6:0 – ICODE[6:0] Interrupt Flag Code

1111111-1001011 Reserved
1001010 Transmit attempt interrupt (any bit in CxTXATIF is set)
1001001 Transmit event FIFO interrupt (any bit in CxTEFSTA is set)
1001000 Invalid message occurred (IVMIF/IE)
1000111 CAN module mode change occurred (MODIF/IE)
1000110 CAN timer overflow (TBCIF/IE)
1000101 RX/TX MAB overflow/underflow (RX: Message received before previous message was saved to memory; TX: Cannot feed TX MAB fast enough to transmit consistent data.) (SERRIF/IE)
1000100 Address error interrupt (illegal FIFO address presented to system) (SERRIF/IE)
1000011 Receive FIFO overflow interrupt (any bit in CxRXOVIF is set)
1000010 Wake-up interrupt (WAKIF/WAKIE)
1000001 Error interrupt (CERRIF/IE)
1000000 No interrupt
0111111-0000100 Reserved
0000011 FIFO 3 Interrupt (TFIF3 or RFIF3 is set)
0000010 FIFO 2 Interrupt (TFIF2 or RFIF2 is set)
0000001 FIFO 1 Interrupt (TFIF1 or RFIF1 is set)
0000000 FIFO 0 Interrupt (TFIF0 is set)
The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: CxVECT: Accesses the top byte VEC[31:24] CxVECU: Accesses the upper byte VEC[23:16] CxVECH: Accesses the high byte VEC[15:8] CxVECL: Accesses the low byte VEC[7:0]