38.13.31 CxMASKy

CAN Mask y Register
  1. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • CxMASKyT: Accesses the top byte MASKy[31:24]
    • CxMASKyU: Accesses the upper byte MASKy[23:16]
    • CxMASKyH: Accesses the high byte MASKy[15:8]
    • CxMASKyL: Accesses the low byte MASKy[7:0]
  2. Each Mask is associated with a filter,[y] denotes Filter number, from 0 to 11.
Name: CxMASKy
Offset: 0x00

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 30 – MIDE Identifier Receive Mode

1 Matches only message types (standard or extended address) that correspond to the EXIDE bit of in the filter
0 Matches either standard or extended address message if filters match (i.e., if (Filter SID) = (Message SID) or if (Filter SID/EID) = (Message SID/EID))

Bit 29 – MSID11 12th bit of Standard Identifier Mask

Bits 28:11 – MEID[17:0] Extended Identifier Mask

In DeviceNet mode, these are the mask bits for the first two data bytes

Bits 10:0 – MSID[10:0] Standard Identifier Mask

The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: CxMASKyT: Accesses the top byte MASKy[31:24] CxMASKyU: Accesses the upper byte MASKy[23:16] CxMASKyH: Accesses the high byte MASKy[15:8] CxMASKyL: Accesses the low byte MASKy[7:0] Each Mask is associated with a filter,[y] denotes Filter number, from 0 to 11.