38.13.23 CxTXQUA

CAN Transmit Queue User Address Register
  1. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • CxTXQUAT: Accesses the top byte TXQUA[31:24]
    • CxTXQUAU: Accesses the upper byte TXQUA[23:16]
    • CxTXQUAH: Accesses the high byte TXQUA[15:8]
    • CxTXQUAL: Accesses the low byte TXQUA[7:0]
  2. This register is not ensured to read correctly in Configuration mode and may only be accessed when the module is not in Configuration mode.
Offset: 0x0158

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 76543210 
Reset xxxxxxxx 

Bits 31:0 – TXQUA[31:0] TXQ User Address

A read of this register will return the address where the next message is to be written (TXQ head)
The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: CxTXQUAT: Accesses the top byte TXQUA[31:24] CxTXQUAU: Accesses the upper byte TXQUA[23:16] CxTXQUAH: Accesses the high byte TXQUA[15:8] CxTXQUAL: Accesses the low byte TXQUA[7:0] This register is not ensured to read correctly in Configuration mode and may only be accessed when the module is not in Configuration mode.