38.13.16 CxBDIAG1

CAN Bus Diagnostics Register 1
  1. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • CxBDIAG1T: Accesses the top byte BDIAG1[31:24]
    • CxBDIAG1U: Accesses the upper byte BDIAG1[23:16]
    • CxBDIAG1H: Accesses the high byte BDIAG1[15:8]
    • CxBDIAG1L: Accesses the low byte BDIAG1[7:0]
Name: CxBDIAG1
Offset: 0x013C

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 31 – DLCMM DLC Mismatch

During a transmission or reception, the specified DLC is larger than the PLSIZEx of the FIFO element.

Bit 30 – ESI ESI Flag of Received CAN FD Message Set

Bit 29 – DCRCERR Received Message with CRC Incorrect Checksum in the Data Segment

The CRC Checksum of a received message is considered incorrect if the CRC of the incoming message does not match with the CRC calculated from the received data.

Bit 28 – DSTUFERR Received Message with Illegal Sequence in the Data Segment

An Illegal Sequence occurs when more than five equal bits in sequence in a part of the received message where this is not allowed.

Bit 27 – DFORMERR Received Frame with a Fixed Format Error in Data Segment

A fixed format error occurs when a part of the incoming frame with a fixed format has the wrong format.

Bit 25 – DBIT1ERR Transmitted Message Recessive Level in Data Segment

During the data segment of a message transmission, the device wanted to send a recessive level (bit of logical value ‘1’), but the monitored bus value was dominant.

Bit 24 – DBIT0ERR Transmitted Message Dominant Level in Data Segment

During the transmission of a message, the device wanted to send a dominant level (logical value ‘0’), but the monitored bus value was recessive.

Bit 23 – TXBOERR Device Went to Bus Off

Bit 21 – NCRCERR Received Message with CRC Incorrect Checksum in Non-Data Segment

The CRC Checksum of a received message is considered incorrect if the CRC of the incoming message does not match with the CRC calculated from the received data.

Bit 20 – NSTUFERR Received Message with Illegal Sequence in Non-Data Segment

An Illegal Sequence occurs when more than five equal bits in sequence in a part of the received message where this is not allowed

Bit 19 – NFORMERR Received Frame with a Fixed Format Error in Non-Data Segment

A fixed format error occurs when a part of the incoming frame with a fixed format has the wrong format

Bit 18 – NACKERR Transmitted Message Not Acknowledged

Transmitted message was not Acknowledged

Bit 17 – NBIT1ERR Transmitted Message Dominant Level in Non-Data Segment

During the non-data segment of a message transmission, the device wanted to send a recessive level (bit of logical value ‘1’), but the monitored bus value was dominant

Bit 16 – NBIT0ERR Transmitted Message Dominant Level in Non-Data Segment

During the transmission of a message(or Acknowledge bit, or active error flag or overload flag), the device wanted to send a dominant level (logical value ‘0’), but the monitored bus value was recessive. During bus off recovery, this status is set each time a sequence of 11 recessive bits have been monitored. This enables the CPU to monitor the proceeding of the bus off recovery sequence (indicating the bus is not stuck at dominant or continuously disturbed).

Bits 15:0 – EFMSGCNT[15:0] Error-Free Message Counter

The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: CxBDIAG1T: Accesses the top byte BDIAG1[31:24] CxBDIAG1U: Accesses the upper byte BDIAG1[23:16] CxBDIAG1H: Accesses the high byte BDIAG1[15:8] CxBDIAG1L: Accesses the low byte BDIAG1[7:0]