47.16 SERCOM SPIx Mode Electrical Specifications

Figure 47-4. SPIx Host Module CPHA = 0 Timing Diagrams
Figure 47-5. SPIx Host Module CPHA = 1 Timing Diagrams
Table 47-18. SERCOM SPIx Module Host Mode Electrical Specifications (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD and VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
MSP_1 FSCK SCK Frequency 14.2 MHz Transmitter mode, CTRLB.RXEN = 0

CLOAD = 30 pF (max.)

MSP_11 TMOV MOSI Data Output Valid after SCK 35.21 ns VDDIO = 2.7V, CLOAD = 30 pF (max)
MSP_15 TMIS MISO Setup Time of Data Input to SCK 74.72 ns
  1. Assumes VDDIO = 2.7V and 30 pF external load on all SPIx pins unless otherwise noted.
Figure 47-6. SPIx Client Module CPHA = 0 Timing Diagram
Figure 47-7. SPIx Client Module CPHA = 1 Timing Diagram
Table 47-19. SERCOM SPIx Module Client Mode Electrical Specifications (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD and VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
SSP_1 FSCK SCK Frequency 14.2 MHz Receiver mode,

CLOAD = 30 pF(max)

SSP_11 TSOV MISO Data Output Valid after SCK 79.42 ns VDDIO = 2.7V, CLOAD = 30 pF(max)
SSP_15 TSIS MOSI Setup Time of Data Input to SCK 15.78 ns
SSP_17 TSIH MOSI Hold Time of Data Input to SCK 10.38 ns
SSP_19 TSSS SS setup to SCK (PRELOADEN = 1) 2*tck_APB + 27.99 ns
SS setup to SCK (PRELOADEN = 0) 27.99 ns
SSP_21 TSSH SS hold after SCK Client 8.77 ns
  1. Assumes VDDIO = 2.7V and 30 pF external load on all SPIx pins unless otherwise noted.