SoC Profiling process

The profiling process is very simple, it does not require the user to manually change the C++ code, just set a few configuration parameters for the profiler. The process has 3 steps:

  1. Enable hardware counter and software driver API instrumentation
  2. Run the application
  3. Collect and visualize the results

The first step is to tell SmartHLS that we need the soc cycle counter hardware module to be instantiated as part of the SmartHLS subsystem and to instrument the API software driver to collect the timestamps. This is done by adding the following line in the config.tcl file.

set_parameter SOC_PROFILER_COUNTER 1

This is an example of the instrumented code added to the software API driver:

void foo_start() {
    // Add the "start" event to the profiler
    // Run accelerator

Note that the timestamp collection only happens if the HLS_PROFLIER_ENABLED constant is defined during the software compilation process. This flag can be defined in the Makefile (or Makefile.user for IDE projects) like this:


HLS_PROFILER_SAMPLES is an optional software compile parameter used to specify the maximum number of samples to store - in this example we store up to 500 samples. If not specified the default value is set to 100 samples. If the hardware module runs for more than the maximum number of samples it will not cause a buffer overflow, the profiling would stop once the sample is full and some sample data would be lost. When this happens a warning message will be printed to the standard output suggesting to increase the sample buffer capacity.

After an application with profiling enabled completes its execution on the FPGA board, the profiler will generate one .prof file per top level module in the SmartHLS project, plus one more .prof file for the main() function. These files follow this naming convention: hls_<functionName>.prof. All the *.prof files must be copied from the board to the local host computer into the hls_output/files directory in order to analyze and visualize them. This copying will be done automatically if you use the shls command from the command-line or the SmartHLS GUI to launch/run the application on the board, otherwise, those files will have to be copied over manually.