14.24.3 Projects Window – File Menu

Right click on a file name in the Projects window to pop up the File menu. The table below shows the specific menu items.

Table 14-94. File Context Menu Items
Menu ItemDescription
OpenOpens this file in a tabbed Editor window.
CutRemoves the file from the project, but places a copy of it on the clipboard.
CopyPlaces a copy of the file on the clipboard.
PasteTo paste the clipboard copy of a file into the project.
Exclude file(s) from current configurationSelect a file or files to exclude from the current project configuration. Once a file has been excluded, right clicking on it again will show Include file(s) from the current configuration.

The same as opening the Project Properties window, selecting File Inclusion/Exclusion and including/excluding the file.

Compile FileCompiles only the current file.
Remove from ProjectRemoves the file from the project.

This does not delete the file from the PC. To delete the file from the project and the computer, use the Delete key.

RenameRenames the file.
Save as TemplateSaves the current file as a template file.
HistoryTo view, or revert to, the local history for the file.
ToolsFile tools include:
  • Apply Diff Patch: applies an existing patch created by Diff.
  • Diff to: shows the differences between this file and the one specified here.
  • Add to Favorites: adds this file to the Favorites window.
PropertiesSets file properties differently from the project properties.

Select to exclude the file from the build or override the project build options by selecting a different configuration.