5.1.6 Step 5: Select Compiler

Figure 5-5. Project Wizard – Select Compiler (or Other Language Tool)

Select the language tool, either a C compiler or an assembler. Selectable language tools are show as:

ToolAbbreviation (ToolVersion) [ToolExecutablePath]

If you do not see your language tool listed or you do not see any support, ensure you have installed the tool. See 3.5 Install the Language Tools. If you do not know if you have the latest language tool, click on [Download Latest].

Note: For AVR GNU and Arm GNU toolchains, ensure the compilers are installed where MPLAB X IDE can search for them, e.g., for Windows OS, under C:\Program Files\Microchip. Otherwise you will have to enter the path. See 5.7 Set Language Tool Locations.

If your tool is listed under Tools > Options > Embedded > Build Tools but you do not see support, then your project device may not be supported by your tool or tool version. Consider selecting or installing another language tool or tool version that supports the device.

Select your tool and then click Next>.