5.1.3 Step 2: Select Device (and Tool)

Figure 5-2. Project Wizard – Select Device and Tool

Select your application device and a tool that supports that device.

FamilyTo narrow down Device selection, choose a device family from the drop-down list.
DeviceChoose a device from the drop-down list. You can start typing and device suggestions will display below.

For LF devices (e.g., PIC16LF1615), be aware that you will need to set up your physical device to be powered by a lower voltage than F type devices (e.g., PIC16F1615), typically 3.3 V instead of 5.0 V. If a higher voltage will damage your device, MPLAB X IDE will display a Warning dialog to remind you.

If you do not see your device listed, check the MPLAB Pack Manager.

ToolSelect the debug tool that supports the selected device. Tools that support the device should be listed in the drop-down list.

For hardware tools, you may notice that a serial number (SN) is specified below any tool that is connected to your computer. This allows you to select from several connected hardware tools.

Show AllCheck to see all tools supported in MPLAB X IDE. Grayed tools do not support the selected device.