14.26.1 Generic Settings Tab

Select Tools > Options (MPLAB X IDE > Preferences for macOS) and then Embedded > Generic Settings to see the options listed below.

Table 14-97. Generic Settings Tab Items
Item Description
Open source file and locate line in editor when debugger halts Jump to a line of code on halt, such as caused by a breakpoint, to examine the code.

Disable to simply halt execution.

Clear tool output window on new session (debug, program, upload) Clear out the contents of the Output window when you begin a Run, Debug or upload.
Halt build on first failure When building, halt the process on the first failure.

The selected project language tool can be set up to determine which errors are produced. Go to the Project Properties window and select the language tool under Categories. Then look for through the Option Categories to find one that allows you to set up errors, warnings, and/or messages.

Maintain active connection to hardware tool If selected, keep hardware tool connected always, not just at runtime (MPLAB® IDE v8 behavior).

When switching projects with this option selected (e.g., when developing bootloading applications), ensure tool and device are the same to avoid error messages.

Note: This option applies only to the current project and configuration. If you switch projects or change items in the Project Properties, a reconnect will occur.
Read Device Memory to File: Export only memory used For the Read Device Memory to File icon/function, save only device memory used to a file.
Silent build Build without generating messages in the Output window.
Enable alternate watch list views during debug session Display three watch view diamonds in the Watches window. Associate a watch view with a watch variable. When you click on a watch view diamond, only the variables associated with that view will be displayed. So, this feature works like a filter.
Disable auto refresh for call stack view during debug sessions Enable to automatically update contents on Pause or Halt.

If the window is closed or not focused, selecting the window and clicking this button will display the updates without having to run and pause/halt again.

Disable to manually update contents on Pause or Halt. This button must be clicked to update window contents on a pause/halt.

On mouse over structure and array expressions during a debug session, evaluate integral members only Checked shows only integral members when mousing over structures or array expressions in code.

Unchecked shows all members when mousing over structures or array expressions in code.

Show unresolved variable names in watch window during debug session Check to make unresolved variables visible in Watches window.
Enable gathering of compiler symbols

Run the compiler behind-the-scenes, requesting information on compiler built-ins and private macros.

This option is disabled by default. Enabling it will increase the time it takes the IDE to gather symbol information.

Note: If you do not rely on compiler's internal information, you do not need to enable this feature.
Prefer online help over offline if both are available. Check to search for selected help online first (default). If not found, search offline help (if available.)

Uncheck to search for selected help offline first. If not found, search online help.

The first occurrence of help is displayed.

On mouseover source lines in editor, evaluate break point status Select what triggers evaluation.

Disable: No evaluation.

Mouse Only, Alt+Mouse, Shirt+Mouse, Shift+Alt+Mouse: Evaluate values at a breakpoint based on the one of these keystrokes.

Hold-off period before memory view synchronization: Give priority to debug events (step over, step in, continue) Specify a delay between when the device halts and when the device data is synced with a memory window.

A longer delay can be set so that more single step executions can occur before an update. This is only applicable to general Target Memory Views like file registers and data memory.

Debug Reset @
 (following reset action during paused debug session) Select action for a debug reset, i.e., Debug > Reset:

Main: Stop at main() on Reset.

Reset Vector: Stop at the Reset vector on Reset.

Note: This is not related to a hardware reset of the device.
Debug start-up
 (following debug project action) Specify code execution for Debug > Debug:

Run: Start execution immediately.

Main: Stop at main().

Reset Vector: Stop at the Reset vector.

Default Charset Select the default character set for the project.
Exclude device checks for kits Do not check kits for currently-supported devices.
MPLAB Code Coverage Report Type None: Do not generate a report.

HTML: HTML format

GCOV: GCOV output format, i.e., a copy of the source code annotated with execution frequencies.

All Types: Create multiple reports of types above.