14.20.3 Download Help from the Web via Documentation Manager

To find available WebHelp files to download, select Tools > Documentation Manager.

Figure 14-73. Documentation Manager Tab

Find and download the WebHelp for the document you want, such as a User Guide.

  1. Click on > before User Guide and scroll to find one that you want, e.g., MPLAB XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide for PIC.
  2. When you find the document, select the latest version in the Version column.
    Figure 14-74. Select Document Version
  3. Click to select the row. Then click the Apply button to start downloading.
    Figure 14-75. User’s Guide Selected
  4. During downloading you will see the messages Downloading and Refreshing. When done, the Status column will change to Latest.
  5. The WebHelp zip file will be located in the default download folder show in 14.20.2 Add an Offline Help Folder.
  6. View or open the Offline Servers window. The downloaded document should now be shown in the window.
    Figure 14-76. MPLAB X IDE Offline Help
  7. If you eventually have many documents but only want to view a few, you can temporarily delete a publication by selecting File > Delete Publication and choosing the ones you want to remove. The help files on the computer are not deleted, and are restored after MPLAB X IDE shut down and launched again.