19.11.10 TC3 Control Register C

Name: TCCR3C
Offset: 0x92
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 

Bits 6, 7 – FOC3 Force Output Compare for Channel B and A

The FOC3A/FOC3B bits are only active when the WGM3[3:0] bits specifies a non-PWM mode. When writing a logical one to the FOC3A/FOC3B bit, an immediate compare match is forced on the Waveform Generation unit. The OC3A/OC3B output is changed according to its COM3x[1:0] bits setting. Note that the FOC3A/FOC3B bits are implemented as strobes. Therefore it is the value present in the COM3x[1:0] bits that determine the effect of the forced compare.

A FOC3A/FOC3B strobe will not generate any interrupt nor will it clear the timer in Clear Timer on Compare Match (CTC) mode using OCR3A as TOP. The FOC3A/FOC3B bits are always read as zero.