19.11.16 TC4 Control Register B

Name: TCCR4B
Offset: 0xA1
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
 ICNC4ICES4 WGM4[3]WGM4[2]CS4[2:0] 
Reset 0000000 

Bit 7 – ICNC4 Input Capture Noise Canceler

Writing this bit to '1' activates the Input Capture Noise Canceler. When the noise canceler is activated, the input from the Input Capture pin (ICP4) is filtered. The filter function requires four successive equal valued samples of the ICP4 pin for changing its output. The Input Capture is therefore delayed by four Oscillator cycles when the noise canceler is enabled.

Bit 6 – ICES4 Input Capture Edge Select

This bit selects which edge on the Input Capture pin (ICP4) that is used to trigger a capture event. When the ICES4 bit is written to zero, a falling (negative) edge is used as a trigger, and when the ICES4 bit is written to '1', a rising (positive) edge will trigger the capture.

When a capture is triggered according to the ICES4 setting, the counter value is copied into the Input Capture Register (ICR4). The event will also set the Input Capture Flag (ICF4), and this can be used to cause an Input Capture Interrupt if this interrupt is enabled.

When the ICR4 is used as TOP value (see description of the WGM4[3:0] bits located in the TCCR4A and the TCCR4B Register), the ICP4 is disconnected and consequently, the Input Capture function is disabled.

Bits 3, 4 – WGM4 Waveform Generation Mode

Refer to TCCR4A.

Bits 2:0 – CS4[2:0] Clock Select

The three Clock Select bits select the clock source to be used by the Timer/Counter. Refer to Figure 19-9 and Figure 19-10.

Table 19-17. Clock Select Bit Description
000No clock source (Timer/Counter stopped).
001clkI/O/1 (No prescaling)
010clkI/O/8 (From prescaler)
011clkI/O/64 (From prescaler)
100clkI/O/256 (From prescaler)
101clkI/O/1024 (From prescaler)
110External clock source on Tn pin. Clock on falling edge.
111External clock source on Tn pin. Clock on rising edge.