45.7.7 USART Interrupt Enable Register (LIN_MODE)

This configuration is relevant only if USART_MODE = 0xA or 0xB in the USART Mode Register.

The following configuration values are valid for all listed bit names of this register:

0: No effect

1: Enables the corresponding interrupt.

Offset: 0x0008
Property: Write-only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access WWWWW 
Bit 76543210 
Access WWWWW 

Bit 31 – LINHTE LIN Header Timeout Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 30 – LINSTE LIN Synch Tolerance Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 29 – LINSNRE LIN Client Not Responding Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 28 – LINCE LIN Checksum Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 27 – LINIPE LIN Identifier Parity Interrupt Enable

Bit 26 – LINISFE LIN Inconsistent Synch Field Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 25 – LINBE LIN Bus Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 15 – LINTC LIN Transfer Completed Interrupt Enable

Bit 14 – LINID LIN Identifier Sent or LIN Identifier Received Interrupt Enable

Bit 13 – LINBK LIN Break Sent or LIN Break Received Interrupt Enable

Bit 9 – TXEMPTY TXEMPTY Interrupt Enable

Bit 8 – TIMEOUT Timeout Interrupt Enable

Bit 7 – PARE Parity Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 6 – FRAME Framing Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 5 – OVRE Overrun Error Interrupt Enable

Bit 1 – TXRDY TXRDY Interrupt Enable

Bit 0 – RXRDY RXRDY Interrupt Enable