24.1 Functional Block Diagram Description

This section provides the detailed description of the FIC_2 (APB configuration bus) subsystem.

Figure 24-1. APB Configuration Interface and Subsystems Connectivity with MSS Master

Table 24-1. MDDR APB Slave Configuration Interface Port List
Port NameDirectionPolarityDescription
MDDR_APB_S_PSELInHighIndicates APB slave select
MDDR_APB_S_PENABLEInHighIndicates APB enable
MDDR_APB_S_PWRITEInHighAPB write-control signal. Indicates read when Low and write when High.
MDDR_APB_S_PADDR [10:2]InIndicates APB address. Addresses are word-aligned.
MDDR_APB_S_PWDATA [15:0]InIndicates APB write data
MDDR_APB_S_PRDATA [15:0]OutIndicates APB read data
MDDR_APB_S_PREADYOutIndicates APB PREADY signal and used to extend an APB transfer.
MDDR_APB_S_PSLVERROutHighIndicates a transfer failure
MDDR_APB_S_PCLK InIndicates APB clock
MDDR_APB_S_PRESET_NInLowIndicates APB active-low reset

Table 24-2. SERDERIF APB Slave Configuration Interface Port List
Port NameDirectionPolarityDescription
APB_S_PSELInHighIndicates APB slave select
APB_S_PENABLEInHighIndicates APB enable
APB_S_PWRITEInHighIndicates APB write-control signal. Indicates read when Low and write when High.
APB_S_PADDR [13:2]InIndicates APB address. Addresses are word-aligned.
APB_S_PWDATA [31:0]InIndicates APB write data
APB_S_PRDATA [31:0]OutIndicates APB read data
APB_S_PREADYOutIndicates APB PREADY signal and used to extend an APB transfer.
APB_S_PSLVERROutHighIndicates a transfer failure
APB_S_PCLKInIndicates APB clock
APB_S_PRESET_NInLowIndicates APB active-low reset
Table 24-3. MSS APB Master Configuration Interface Port List
Port NameDirectionPolarityDescription
FIC_2_APB_M_PSELOutHighIndicates APB slave select
FIC_2_APB_M_PENABLEOutHighIndicates APB enable
FIC_2_APB_M_PWRITEOutHighAPB write-control signal. Indicates read when Low and write when High.
FIC_2_APB_M_PADDR [15:2]OutIndicates APB address. Addresses are word-aligned.
FIC_2_APB_M_PWDATA [31:0]OutIndicates APB write data
FIC_2_APB_M_PRDATA [31:0]InIndicates APB read data
FIC_2_APB_M_PREADYInIndicates APB PREADY signal and used to extend an APB transfer.
FIC_2_APB_M_PSLVERRInHighIndicates a transfer failure
FIC_2_APB_M_PCLKInIndicates APB clock
FIC_2_APB_M_PRESET_NInLowIndicates APB active-low reset