14.4.4 Event Breakpoint

The following options are available for event breakpoints.

Table 14-11. Breakpoint Type: Event
Item* Description
Project Select an open project from the drop down list.

This is the project whose code will contain the breakpoint.

Break on clock mode switch Break when the clock mode switches.
Break on Reset instruction Break when a device Reset instruction occurs.
Break on Sleep Break when Sleep is entered.
Break on stack over/underflow Break when the stack either overflows or underflows.
Break on wake up Break when the device wakes up from sleep.
Break when watchdog timer has expired Break when the watchdog timer period has ended.
Break on execution out of bounds Break when the program attempts to move out of normal program memory/space.
Break on MCLR Reset Break on a Master Clear (MCLR) Reset.
Break on trigger in signal Break when a Trigger In pulse is detected.
* Select event(s) from the list that will cause executing code to pause (break). Some events may not be available for your device.

For some devices (PIC16F1xxx MCUs), enhanced event breakpoints actions are available.

Action Description
Break Break (halt) execution per option specified.
Trigger out Emit a trigger out pulse per option specified.
Break and trigger out Break (halt) execution and emit a trigger out pulse per option specified.