14.4.6 Pass Count Operation

Using a pass count allows you to delay breaking until after a specified count.

Table 14-15. Pass Count
Operation Description
Break occurs Count Instructions after Event

Count is the number of instructions that execution passes after the breakpoint but before stopping.

For example,

  • 0 specifies that execution stops immediately
  • 1 specifies that execution stops after one additional instruction
  • 10 specifies that execution stops after ten additional instructions
Event must occur Count times

Count is the number of times that execution passes the event until stopping.

For example,

  • 0 specifies that execution stops immediately
  • 1 specifies that execution passes the event one time, then stops the next time (the second time the event occurs)
  • 10 specifies that execution passes the event ten times, then stops the next time (the eleventh time the event occurs)