14.4.3 Address Breakpoints

The following options are available for program/execution memory breakpoints.

Table 14-9. Breakpoint Type: Address – Settings
Item Description
Project Select an open project from the drop-down list.

This is the project in which code will contain the breakpoint.

Enable Range Address Check to set a range breakpoint.

Uncheck to set a single breakpoint.


Address (Start)

Depending on the selection of Enable Range Address, this item can be Address or Address (Start).

Enter a hexadecimal address in data memory.

Accessing this address according to Breaks on triggers a pause in code execution.

Address (End) If Enable Range Address is checked, this box is enabled.

Enter a hexadecimal address in data memory.

Breaks on Program Memory Execution: Break code execution when the address specified above is reached.

TBLRD Program Memory: Break code execution when a table read to the address specified above occurs.

TBLWT Program Memory: Break code execution when a table write to the address specified above occurs.

Table 14-10. Breakpoint Type: Data – Pass Count
Item Description
Condition Determine when the break specified under Breaks on occurs.

Always Break: Always break when the Breaks on condition is met.

Break occurs Count Instructions after Event: After an event (Breaks on condition) occurs, execute Count Instructions before actually breaking.

Event must occur Count times: An event (Breaks on condition) must occur Count times before actually breaking.

Count According to the Condition specified, enter either a count for the number of instructions after an event or the number of events. See 14.4.4 Event Breakpoint.
Trigger Options For PIC16F1xxx devices only-

Select when to trigger, either:

  • Do not trigger out when breakpoint is reached
  • trigger out when breakpoint is reached
Interrupt Context For PIC16F1xxx devices only-

Interrupt Context qualifier for address/data breakpoints. Select from:

  • Always break (break in both ISR and main code)
  • Break in main line (non-interrupt) context only – break in main code only
  • Break in interrupt context only – break in ISR code only
* See also Section “For some devices (PIC16F1xxx MCUs), enhanced event breakpoints actions are available.”