14.4.2 Data Breakpoints

The following options are available for data memory breakpoints.

Table 14-7. Breakpoint Type: Data – Settings
Item Description
Project Select an open project from the drop-down list

This is the project in which code will contain the breakpoint.

Symbols Enter the name of a global symbol, or SFR, or browse to one by clicking Symbols. Accessing this symbol according to Breaks on triggers a pause in code execution.
Enable Range Address Check to set a range breakpoint.

Uncheck to set a single breakpoint.


Address (Start)

Depending on the selection of Enable Range Address, this item can be Address or Address (Start).

Enter a hexadecimal address in data memory

Accessing this address according to Breaks on triggers a pause in code execution.

Address (End) If Enable Range Address is checked, this box is enabled.

Enter a hexadecimal address in data memory.

Breaks on Read, Write, Read or Write: Break code execution when the symbol or address stated above is read, written, or either read or written.

Read Specific Value, Write Specific Value, Read or Write Specific Value: Break code execution when the symbol or address stated above is read and has the value specified below, written with the value specified below, or either read or written according to the value specified below.

Note: For dsPIC DSCs, there are read and write options for the X and Y buses.
Value For the Breaks on selection of Read Specific Value, Write Specific Value, or Read or Write Specific Value, enter a hexadecimal value here.
Value Comparison For PIC16F1xxx devices only-

Compare to Value as specified:

= Value: Equal to value

!= Value: Not equal to value

> Value: Greater than value

< Value: Less than value

Data Value Mask For PIC16F1xxx devices only-

Use mask when comparing to Value

Enter a value in the range 0x00 to 0xhh, where:

0x00: No bits compared

0xhh: All bits compared

Table 14-8. Breakpoint Type: Data – Pass Count
Item Description
Condition Determine when the break specified under Breaks on occurs.

Always Break: Always break when the Breaks on condition is met.

Break occurs Count Instructions after Event: After an event (Breaks on condition) occurs, execute Count Instructions before actually breaking.

Event must occur Count times: An event (Breaks on condition) must occur Count times before actually breaking.

Count According to the Condition specified, enter either a count for the number of instructions after an event or the number of events. See 14.4.4 Event Breakpoint.
Trigger Options For PIC16F1xxx devices only-

Select when to trigger, either:

  • Do not trigger out when breakpoint is reached
  • trigger out when breakpoint is reached
Interrupt Context For PIC16F1xxx devices only-

Interrupt Context qualifier for address/data breakpoints. Select from:

  • Always break (break in both ISR and main code)
  • Break in main line (non-interrupt) context only – break in main code only
  • Break in interrupt context only – break in ISR code only