54.13 Rev I - 09/2016

  • Removed preliminary status from the datasheet.
Ordering Information
  • SAM C20J/SAM C21J: Added -UUT ordering codes for SAM C20/C21J17 and SAM C20/C21J18
I/O Multiplexing and Considerations
20 OSCCTRL – Oscillators Controller
22 SUPC – Supply Controller
  • Removed references to backup domain.
23 WDT – Watchdog Timer
  • Removed references to backup domain.
24 RTC – Real-Time Counter
25 DMAC – Direct Memory Access Controller
26 EIC – External Interrupt Controller
  • Added interrupt pin debouncing.
31 SERCOM USART - SERCOM Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
35 Timer/Counter (TC)
38 ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter
  • Reference Configuration: Removed information on number of external and internal voltage references and supported voltage supply range. This information is replaced with references to the REFCTRL.REFSEL register bits and ADC characteristics for reference selection details and voltage ranges respectively.
41 DAC – Digital-to-Analog Converter (SAM C21 only)
  • CTRLB41.8.2 Control B.ION bit description updated: For bit value '1' the internal DAC can be used as input to the AC or ADC.
43 TSENS – Temperature Sensor
45 Electrical Characteristics 85°C (SAM C20/C21 E/G/J)
46 Electrical Characteristics 105°C (SAM C20/C21 E/G/J)
52 Packaging Information
53 Schematic Checklist