DBTC – Debounce Timer Compare Register

Name: DBTC
Offset: 0x153
Reset: 0x00

Changes to the DBTC register are only allowed when debouncing is disabled (set all DBENx registers to 0x00).

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – DBTC[7:0] Debounce Timer Compare

The Debounce Timer Compare register contains an 8-bit value that is continuously compared with the 15-bit timer value. DBTC can be set from 0 to 255. The resulting debounce timings also depend on the DBCS and DBTMS bits of the debounce control register DBCR. See Debounce Timer Compare Mask Select and Debounce Clock Select in the DBCR from Related Links. The calculation of the debounce time is shown in the following table, and the resulting timing ranges in Debounce Timing Ranges. See Debounce Timing Ranges in the DBTC from Related Links.

After the debouncing time a wait time caused by a handshake synchronizer needs to be considered before the next debouncing cycle on the appropriate pin is started (approximately 6 clock cycles of debounce clock and 6 clock cycles of I/O clock).

Table 4-68. Debounce Timing Calculation
00(DBTC * 128 + 134) * 8 µs
01(DBTC + 7) * 8 µs
10(DBTC * 128 + 134) * 157 ns
11(DBTC + 7) * 157 ns
Table 4-69. Debounce Timing Ranges
Debounce Time1.1 ms262 ms56 µs2.1 ms21 µs5.1 ms1.1 µs41.1 µs