Use Model 2: Creating Initialization Sub-system for MDDR

Use the following steps for creating Initialization Sub-system using the System Builder. CoreResetP, CoreConfigP, SYSRESET, and Oscillator are Instantiated and connections are made automatically:

  1. Select Use System Builder while creating a new project from the Design Templates and Creators panel in Libero SoC.
  2. Check MSS External Memory in the System Builder - Device Features GUI.
  3. Follow the rest of the steps with default settings and generate the design.
The following figure shows the generated design when opened in SmartDesign.
  4. The actual SmartDesign created by System Builder is typically not visible unless you open the generated output as a SmartDesign. For more information, see System Builder User Guide.
Figure 20-33. Initialization Sub-System with CoreResetP Soft IP