Use Model: AHB Bus Matrix to MSS DDR Bridge/MSS DDR Bridge to AHB Bus Matrix

  1. Enable HPDMA by using MDDR or configuring switch and MSSDDR bridge in Libero SoC.
  2. Initialize the HPDMA using MSS_HPDMA_init().
  3. Check HPDMAEDR register bits using MSS_HPDMA_get_transfer_state().
  4. Check Clear if any interrupts are pending MSS_HPDMA_clear_irq().
  5. Configure the descriptor transfer size, source address, destination address, transfer direction, and enable the valid HPDMA descriptor register using MSS_HPDMA_start() .
  6. Check HPDMAEDR register bits using MSS_HPDMA_get_transfer_state().
  7. To pause the data transfers use MSS_HPDMA_pause().
  8. Get the pending transfer bytes using MSS_HPDMA_get_pending_counters().
  9. To resume the data transfers use MSS_HPDMA_pause().
  10. To check the status of the transfer use MSS_HPDMA_get_transfer_state().