17.2.2 Port List

The following table lists the ports of the RTC and provides a short description for each.

Table 17-2. RTC Interface Signals
Port MSB LSB Dir Description
PCLK in APB interface clock.
PRESETN in Processor reset
PADDR 6 0 in APB address. Registers are word aligned so A1:0 is not used.
PSEL in APB select signal
PENABLE in APB enable
PWRITE in APB write signal
PWDATA 31 0 in APB write data bus
PREADY out APB ready signal; is always asserted
PRDATA 31 0 out APB read data bus
RTC_MATCH out RTC match output (active-high) Synchronous to clk 32 k
RTC_WAKEUP out RTC wake up interrupt (active-high). Asserted Synchronous to clk 32 k, but 
deasserted on positive edge of PCLK
CLKRTC in Clock input for RTC counters
PORST_B in Power-on reset. It clears/preset all flip-flops including the calendar/prescaler counters (active-low)