WDTCR – Watchdog Timer0 Control Register

Offset: 0x06E
Reset: 0x00

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 7 –  Reserved Bit

This bit is reserved and read as ‘0’.

Bit 6 –  Reserved Bit

This bit is reserved and read as ‘0’.

Bit 5 –  Reserved Bit

This bit is reserved and read as ‘0’.

Bit 4 – WDCE Watchdog Change Enable

This bit is used in timed sequences for changing WDE and prescaler bits. To clear the WDE bit and/or change the prescaler bits, WDCE has to be set. Once written to ‘1’, the hardware clears WDCE after four clock cycles.

Bit 3 – WDE Watchdog Enable

The watchdog timer is enabled if the WDE bit is ‘1’. If the WDE is written to logic ‘0’, the watchdog timer function is disabled. WDE can only be cleared if the WDCE bit has logic level ‘1’. The following procedure must be followed to disable an enabled watchdog timer. In the same operation, write a logic ‘1’ to WDCE and WDE. A logic ‘1’ must be written to WDE even though it is set to ‘1’ before the disable operation starts. Within the next four clock cycles, write a logic ‘0’ to WDE. This disables the watchdog. In safety level 2, it is not possible to disable the watchdog timer, even with the algorithm described above. WDE is overridden by WDRF in the MCUSR. This means the WDE is always set when the WDRF is set. To clear WDE, WDRF must be cleared first. This feature ensures multiple resets during conditions causing failure and a safe start-up after the failure.

Bits 2:0 – WDPS[2:0] Watchdog Prescaler Select

The WDPS[2:0] bits determine the watchdog timer prescaling clock output (CLKWD) when the watchdog timer is enabled. The time-out value after a watchdog reset command (WDR) is not precisely known because the WDR command resets only the watchdog divider. The watchdog prescaler is shared by the watchdog and Timer0 and, therefore, continues counting. For this reason, a typical and minimum ensured time-out period is given in the following table.
Table 3-88. Watchdog Timer Prescaler Select Bit Description


Prescaler Divider Values (Number of CLKSRC Cycles)

Total Numbers of CLKSRC Cycles Including Watchdog Divider

Time-out at VCC=3V/25°C and

TSRC≈ 1/125 KHz



00016 cycles8 x 16 = 128 cycles1 ms0.85 ms
00164 cycles8 x 64 = 512 cycles4 ms3.4 ms
010512K cycles8 x 512 = 4K cycles32 ms27 ms
01132K cycles8 x 32K = 256K cycles2.1s1.75s
10064K cycles8 x 64K = 512K cycles4.2s3.5s
101256K cycles8 x 256K = 2M cycles16.8s14s
1102M cycles8 x 2M = 16M cycles134s110s
1114M cycles8 x 4M = 32M cycles268s220s