Polling Configuration

During polling configuration, the firmware configures the polling timer and copies an initial polling array from the EEPROM to the SRAM.

Timer1 is used as the polling timer. The EEPROM variables eepPollLoopConf.ConfT1COR and eepPollLoopConf.confT1MR allow configuration of the clock source and the polling cycle time.

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0x0099 confT1COR T1COR[7:0]
0x009A confT1MR T1DC[1:0] T1PS[3:0] T1CS[1:0]

The polling array contains configurations for 16 service/channel settings with two bytes of configuration data for each. It is located in the EEPROM variables eepPollLoopConf.pollLoopConf[15:0].config and eepPollLoopConf.pollLoopConf[15:0].svcChConfig. For more information, see sEEPromPollLoopConf eepPollLoopConf.

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0x009B pollLoopConf[0].config RfCalib VCOtune EOL EOP
0x009C pollLoopConf[0].svcChConfig enaPathB enaPathA Ch[1:0] Ser[2:0]
... ...........................
0x00B9 pollLoopConf[15].config RfCalib VCOtune EOL EOP
0x00BA pollLoopConf[15].svcChConfig enaPathB enaPathA Ch[1:0] Ser[2:0]

For more information about the polling mode, see PollingMode.