26.6.14 ECC Fault Injection Pointer

Note: This Register is only available on PIC32CM5164 and PIC32CM2532 variants.
Note: When FLTCTRL.FLTEN = 1, this register becomes write protected: writes will return a bus error.
Offset: 0x88
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 23:16 – FLT2PTR[7:0] FLT2PTR ECC Fault Injection Bit Position Pointer (for double bit error). Refer to the following table.

Table 26-7. FLTxPTR Values
FFLTPTR.FLTxPTR Value DATA BITS [0:63] ECC Parity BITS [0:7]
0x0 -- 0
0x1 -- 1
0x2 -- 2
0x3 0 --
0x4 -- 3
0x5 to 0x7 1 to 3 --
0x8 -- 4
0x9 to 0xF 4 to 10 --
0x10 -- 5
0x11 to 0x1F 11 to 25 --
0x20 -- 6
0x21 to 0x3F 26 to 56 --
0x40 -- 7
0x41 to 0x47 57 to 63 --
0x48 to 0xFF -- --

Bits 7:0 – FLT1PTR[7:0] ECC Fault Injection Bit Position Pointer (for double bit error). Refer to the following table.

Table 26-6. FLTxPTR Values
FFLTPTR.FLTxPTR Value DATA BITS [0:63] ECC Parity BITS [0:7]
0x0 -- 0
0x1 -- 1
0x2 -- 2
0x3 0 --
0x4 -- 3
0x5 to 0x7 1 to 3 --
0x8 -- 4
0x9 to 0xF 4 to 10 --
0x10 -- 5
0x11 to 0x1F 11 to 25 --
0x20 -- 6
0x21 to 0x3F 26 to 56 --
0x40 -- 7
0x41 to 0x47 57 to 63 --
0x48 to 0xFF -- --