36.10.1 Internal Oscillators

Table 36-10. Internal Oscillators Specifications(1)
SymbolDescriptionMin.Typ. ✝Max.UnitConditions
fOSCHFPrecision calibrated OSCHF frequency16MHzOSCHFFRQ = 0x01
20MHzOSCHFFRQ = 0x00
fCALFrequency tune range+/-6%OSCHFFRQ = 0x01
+/-6%OSCHFFRQ = 0x00
%CALOSCHF tune step size0.2%
EOSCHF_TOTALTotal error with 16 MHz and 20 MHz frequency selection<1%

TA = 25°C,

VDD = 3.0V

<3%Full operation range
DOSCHFDuty cycle50%
tOSCHF_ST(3)OSCHF start-up time10μsWithin 2% accuracy
fOSC32KInternal OSC32K frequency32.768kHz
EOSC32K_TOTALTotal error from target frequency<2%

TA = 25°C,

VDD = 3.0V

<10%Full operation range
DOSC32KDuty cycle50%
tOSC32K_ST(3)OSC32K start-up time220μs

Unless otherwise specified, data in the “Typ.” column is at TA = 25°C and VDD = 3.0V . These parameters are not tested and are for design guidance only.

  1. To ensure these oscillator frequency tolerances, VDD and GND must be capacitively decoupled as close to the device as possible. 100 nF and 0.1 μF values in parallel are recommended.
  2. These values are based on characterization and are not covered by production test limits.
  3. Wake-up times are measured from the wake-up event to code execution.