Window Menu, Debugging Submenu

This section lists the menu items in the Window menu, Debugging submenu.

Table 13-12. Debugging Submenu Options
Command Action
Output Opens debugging output windows.
Variables Opens the Local Variables debugger window.
Watches Opens the Watches debugger window.
Call Stack Opens the Call Stack debugger window.
Breakpoints Opens the Breakpoints window.
Sessions Opens the Sessions window.

See NetBeans help for more on this window.

Sources Opens the Sources window.

See NetBeans help for more on this window.

Disassembly Opens the Disassembly window.
IO View Opens the IO View window.
PIC AppIO Opens the Application In/Out window.

Applies to MPLAB® REAL ICE™ in-circuit emulator.

ITM Display Opens the 14.11 ITM Display, where ITM trace output from SAM MCUs supporting this feature can be viewed. See MPLAB ICD 5 or MPLAB ICE 4 documentation for details.
Trace Opens the Trace window.

Applies to the Simulator or either MPLAB ICE 4 or MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator.

Stopwatch Opens the Stopwatch window.
PC Profiling Open the PC Profiling window.

Applies to MPLAB ICD 5, MPLAB ICE 4 or MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator.

Code Coverage Open the Code Coverage window.

For the Simulator built-in code coverage, enable under Project Properties, Code Coverage options.

Otherwise enable 10.3.1 Code Coverage Overview under Project Properties, MPLAB XC Compiler, Analysis. A license is required for full code coverage features.
Data Visualizer Open the MPLAB Data Visualizer
Power Monitoring Open the MPLAB Data Visualizer for power monitoring.
DVRT for Project Name Open the MPLAB Data Visualizer and sync a DVRT session with a DVRT Project ELF file.
Triggers Opens the Trigger In window.

Applies to the MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator.

Debugger Console Opens a console window for entering commands on the command line.
Live Viewers Used to view streaming data from some Arm devices.

See the Live Viewers Submenu Options table below.

Table 13-13. Live Viewers Submenu Options
Command Action
MTB View Arm Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) streaming instruction trace data.
RTT View Arm Real Time Transfer (RTT), UART, or raw UART data I/O.
semihostGCC ?
semihostMcuUtils ?