Fault Types

The following table shows the types of fault, the handler used for the fault, the corresponding fault status register, and the register bit that indicates that the fault has occurred. For more information about the fault status registers, see Configurable Fault Status Register.

Table 2-18. Faults
FaultHandlerBit nameFault status register
Bus error on a vector readHardFaultVECTTBLHardFault Status Register
Fault escalated to a HardFaultFORCED
MPU or default memory map mismatch:MemManage
on instruction accessIACCVIOL1MemManage Fault Status Register
on data accessDACCVIOL
during exception stackingMSTKERR
during exception unstackingMUNSKERR
Bus error:BusFault
during exception stackingSTKERRBusFault Status Register
during exception unstackingUNSTKERR
during instruction prefetchIBUSERR
Precise data bus errorPRECISERR
Imprecise data bus errorIMPRECISERR
Attempt to access a coprocessorUsageFaultNOCPUsageFault Status Register
Undefined instructionUNDEFINSTR
Attempt to enter an invalid instruction set state2INVSTATE
Invalid EXC_RETURN valueUsageFaultINVPCUsageFault Status Register
Illegal unaligned load or storeUNALIGNED
  1. Occurs on an access to an XN region even if the processor does not include an MPU or the MPU is disabled.
  2. Attempting to use an instruction set other than the Thumb instruction set or returns to a non load/store-multiple instruction with ICI continuation.