Configurable Fault Status Register

The CFSR indicates the cause of a MemManage fault, BusFault, or UsageFault. See the register summary in Table 2-44 for its attributes. The bit assignments are:

Figure 2-37. CFSR Bit Assignments

The following subsections describe the sub-registers that make up the CFSR:

The CFSR is byte accessible. You can access the CFSR or its sub-registers as follows:

  • access the complete CFSR with a word access to 0xE000ED28
  • access the MMFSR with a byte access to 0xE000ED28
  • access the MMFSR and BFSR with a halfword access to 0xE000ED28
  • access the BFSR with a byte access to 0xE000ED29
  • access the UFSR with a halfword access to 0xE000ED2A