Fault Escalation and HardFaults

All faults exceptions except for HardFault have configurable exception priority, see System Handler Priority Registers. Software can disable execution of the handlers for these faults, see System Handler Control and State Register.

Usually, the exception priority, together with the values of the exception mask registers, determines whether the processor enters the fault handler, and whether a fault handler can preempt another fault handler as described in 2.5.3 Exception Model.

In some situations, a fault with configurable priority is treated as a HardFault. This is called priority escalation, and the fault is described as escalated to HardFault. Escalation to HardFault occurs when:

A fault handler causes the same kind of fault as the one it is servicing. This escalation to HardFault occurs because a fault handler cannot preempt itself because it must have the same priority as the current priority level.

A fault handler causes a fault with the same or lower priority as the fault it is servicing. This is because the handler for the new fault cannot preempt the currently executing fault handler.

An exception handler causes a fault for which the priority is the same as or lower than the currently executing exception.

A fault occurs and the handler for that fault is not enabled.

If a BusFault occurs during a stack push when entering a BusFault handler, the BusFault does not escalate to a HardFault. This means that if a corrupted stack causes a fault, the fault handler executes even though the stack push for the handler failed. The fault handler operates but the stack contents are corrupted.

Only Reset and NMI can preempt the fixed priority HardFault. A HardFault can preempt any exception other than Reset, NMI, or another HardFault.