5.4 SYSREG Control Registers
The registers listed in the following table control the behavior of the eSRAM. For more information on these registers, see Table 21-2. For a detailed description of each register and bit, see System Register Block.
Register Name | Register Type | Flash Write Protect | Reset Source | Description |
Table 5-6 (0x40038000) | RW-P | Register | SYSRESET_N | Controls address mapping of the eSRAMs. |
Table 5-7 (0x40038004) | RW-P | Register | SYSRESET_N | Configuration of maximum latency for accessing eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1 slaves. This register gets updated by Flash bit configuration set during device programming. This configuration can be done through the System Builder also using settings on the Microcontroller Tab. |
Table 5-9 (0x40038080) | RW-P | Register | SYSRESET_N | Controls the pipeline present in the memory read path of eSRAM memory. |
Table 5-10 (0x400380F0) | RO | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Represents 1-bit error count of eSRAM_0. |
Table 5-11 (0x400380F4) | RO | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Represents 1-bit error count of eSRAM_1. |
Table 5-12 (0x4003810C) | RO | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Address from eSRAM_0 on which 1-bit ECC error has occurred. |
Table 5-13 (0x40038110) | RO | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Address from eSRAM_1 on which 1-bit ECC error has occurred. |
Table 5-14 (0x40038124) | RO-U | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Read and Write security for Mirrored Master (MM) 0, 1, and 2 to eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1. |
Table 5-15(0x40038128) | RO-U | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Read and Write security for Mirrored Master (MM) 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1. This register gets updated by Flash bit configuration set during device programming. This configuration can be done through the System Builder using settings on the Security tab. |
Table 5-16 (0x4003812C) | RO-U | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Read and Write security for Mirrored Master (MM) 3, 6, 7, and 8 to eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1. This register gets updated by Flash bit configuration set during device programming. This configuration can be done through the System Builder using settings on the Security tab. |
Table 5-17 (0x40038130) | RO-U | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Read and Write security for Mirrored Master (MM) 9 to eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1. This register gets updated by Flash bit configuration set during device programming. This configuration can be done through the System Builder using settings on the Security tab. |
Table 5-18 (0x40038190) | SW1C | N/A | SYSRESET_N | Status of 1-bit ECC error detection and correction (EDAC), 2-bit ECC error detection for eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1. Individual register bits are set (1) when related input is asserted. Bits are individually cleared when corresponding register bit is written High. |
Table 5-19 (0x400381A4) | W1P | N/A | SYSRESET_N | This is used to clear the 16-bit counter value in eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1 corresponding to the count value of EDAC 1-bit and 2-bit errors. |
Table 5-20 (0x40038078) | RW-P | Register | SYSRESET_N | Enable/disable of 1-bit error, 2-bit error status update for eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1. This can be set by the System Builder using settings on the SECDED tab. |
Table 5-21 (0x40038038) | RW-P | Register | SYSRESET_N | EDAC enable/disable and soft reset for eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1. This can be set by the System Builder using settings on the SECDED tab. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:2] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
1 | SW_CC_ESRAM1FWREMAP | 0 | Defines the locations of eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1,
if eSRAM remap is enabled (if SW_CC_ESRAMFWREMAP is asserted). If
SW_CC_ESRAMFWREMAP is 0, this bit has no meaning. If SW_CC_ESRAMFWREMAP is 1,
this bit has the following definition:
0 | SW_CC_ESRAMFWREMAP | 0 | This bit indicates that eSRAM_0 and eSRAM_1
are remapped to lCODE/DCODE space of the Cortex-M3 processor. If this bit is 1
and SW_CC_ESRAM1FWREMAP is 0, then eSRAM_0 is at location 0x00000000 and
eSRAM_1 is always remapped to be just above eSRAM_0 (the two eSRAMs are
adjacent in ICODE/DCODE space). Both eSRAMs also remain visible in SYSTEM space
of the Cortex-M3 processor and remain visible at this location to all other
(non-Cortex-M3 processor) masters. The bit definitions:
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:6] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
[5:3] | SW_MAX_LAT_ESRAM1 | 0x1 | Defines the maximum number of cycles the processor bus will wait for eSRAM1 when it is being accessed by a master with a weighted round robin (WRR) priority scheme. The latency values are given in Table 5-8. |
[2:0] | SW_MAX_LAT_ESRAM0 | 0x1 | Defines the maximum number of cycles the processor bus will wait for eSRAM0 when it is being accessed by a master with a WRR priority scheme. It is configurable from 1 to 8 (8, by default). The latency values are given in Table 5-8. |
The following table gives eSRAM maximum latency values, where x is either 0 or 1.
SW_MAX_LAT_ESRAM<X> | Latency |
0 | 8 (default) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:1] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
0 | ESRAM_PIPELINE_ENABLE | 0x1 | Controls the pipeline present in the read path of eSRAM memory. Allowed values: 0: Pipeline will be bypassed. 1: Pipeline will be present in the memory read path. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:16] | ESRAM0_EDAC_CNT_2E | 0 | 16-bit counter that counts the number of 2-bit uncorrected errors for eSRAM0. The counter will not roll back and will stay at its maximum value. |
[15:0] | ESRAM0_EDAC_CNT_1E | 0 | 16-bit counter that counts the number of 1-bit corrected errors for eSRAM0. The counter will not roll back and will stay at its maximum value. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:16] | ESRAM1_EDAC_CNT_2E | 0 | 16-bit counter that counts the number of 2-bit uncorrected errors for eSRAM1. The counter will not roll back and will stay at its maximum value. |
[15:0] | ESRAM1_EDAC_CNT_1E | 0 | 16-bit counter that counts the number of 1-bit corrected errors for eSRAM1. The counter will not roll back and will stay at its maximum value. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:25] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
[25:13] | ESRAM0_EDAC_2E_AD | 0 | Stores the address from eSRAM0 on which a 2-bit SECDED error has occurred. |
[12:0] | ESRAM0_EDAC_1E_AD | 0 | Stores the address from eSRAM0 on which a 1-bit SECDED error has occurred. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:25] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
[25:13] | ESRAM1_EDAC_2E_AD | 0 | Stores the address from eSRAM1 on which a 2-bit SECDED error has occurred. |
[12:0] | ESRAM1_EDAC_1E_AD | 0 | Stores the address from eSRAM1 on which a 1-bit SECDED error has occurred. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:10] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
9 | MM0_1_2_MS6_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have write access to Slave 6. |
8 | MM0_1_2_MS6_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have read access to Slave 6. |
7 | MM0_1_2_MS3_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have write access to Slave 3. |
6 | MM0_1_2_MS3_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for Masters 0, 1 and 2 to Slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have read access to Slave 3. |
5 | MM0_1_2_MS2_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 2 (eNVM0]) If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have write access to Slave 2. |
4 | MM0_1_2_MS2_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 2 (eNVM0). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have read access to Slave 2. |
3 | MM0_1_2_MS1_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 1 (eSRAM1). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have write access to Slave 1. |
2 | MM0_1_2_MS1_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 1 (eSRAM1). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have read access to Slave 1. |
1 | MM0_1_2_MS0_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have write access to Slave 0. |
0 | MM0_1_2_MS0_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for Masters 0, 1, and 2 to Slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, Masters 0, 1, and 2 will not have read access to Slave 0. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:10] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
9 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS6_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, masters 4, 5 and DDR_FIC will not have write access to slave 6. |
8 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS6_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have read access to slave 6. |
7 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS3_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have write access to slave 3. |
6 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS3_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have read access to slave 3. |
5 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS2_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write Security Bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 2 (eNVM0). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have write access to slave 2. |
4 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS2_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 2 (eNVM0). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have read access to slave 2. |
3 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS1_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 1 (eSRAM1). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have write access to slave 1. |
2 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS1_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 1 (eSRAM1). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have read access to slave 1. |
1 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS0_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have write access to slave 0. |
0 | MM4_5_DDR_FIC_MS0_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC to slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, masters 4, 5, and DDR_FIC will not have read access to slave 0. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:10] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
9 | MM3_6_7_8_MS6_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have write access to slave 6. |
8 | MM3_6_7_8_MS6_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have read access to slave 6. |
7 | MM3_6_7_8_MS3_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have write access to slave 3. |
6 | MM3_6_7_8_MS3_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have read access to slave 3. |
5 | MM3_6_7_8_MS2_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 2 (eNVM0). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have write access to slave 2. |
4 | MM3_6_7_8_MS2_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 2 (eNVM0). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have read access to slave 2. |
3 | MM3_6_7_8_MS1_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 1 (eSRAM1). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have write access to slave 1. |
2 | MM3_6_7_8_MS1_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 1 (eSRAM1). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have read access to slave 1. |
1 | MM3_6_7_8_MS0_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have write access to slave 0. |
0 | MM3_6_7_8_MS0_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 to slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, masters 3, 6, 7, and 8 will not have read access to slave 0. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:10] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
9 | MM9_MS6_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for master 9 to slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, master 9 will not have write access to slave 6. |
8 | MM9_MS6_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for master 9 to slave 6 (MSS DDR bridge). If not set, master 9 will not have read access to slave 6. |
7 | MM9_MS3_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for master 9 to slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, master 9 will not have write access to slave 3. |
6 | MM9_MS3_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for master 9 to slave 3 (eNVM1). If not set, master 9 will not have read access to slave 3. |
5 | MM9_MS2_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for master 9 to slave 2 (eNVM0). If not set, master 9 will not have write access to slave 2. |
4 | MM9_MS2_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for master 9 to slave 2 (eNVM0). If not set, master 9 will not have read access to slave 2. |
3 | MM9_MS1_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for master 9 to slave 1 (eSRAM1]) If not set, master 9 will not have write access to slave 1. |
2 | MM9_MS1_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for master 9 to slave 1 (eSRAM1). If not set, master 9 will not have read access to slave 1. |
1 | MM9_MS0_ALLOWED_W | 1 | Write security bits for master 9 to slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, master 9 will not have write access to slave 0. |
0 | MM9_MS0_ALLOWED_R | 1 | Read security bits for master 9 to slave 0 (eSRAM0). If not set, master 9 will not have read access to slave 0. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:14] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
13 | CAN_EDAC_2E | 0 | Updated by CAN when a 2-bit SECDED error has been detected for RAM memory. |
12 | CAN_EDAC_1E | 0 | Updated by CAN when a 1-bit SECDED error has been detected and is corrected for RAM memory. |
11 | USB_EDAC_2E | 0 | Updated by USB when a 2-bit SECDED error has been detected for RAM memory. |
10 | USB_EDAC_1E | 0 | Updated by USB when a 1-bit SECDED error has been detected and is corrected for RAM memory. |
9 | MAC_EDAC_RX_2E | 0 | Updated by Ethernet when a 2-bit SECDED error has been detected for Rx RAM memory. |
8 | MAC_EDAC_RX_1E | 0 | Updated by Ethernet when a 1-bit SECDED error has been detected and is corrected for Rx RAM memory. |
7 | MAC_EDAC_TX_2E | 0 | Updated by Ethernet when a 2-bit SECDED error has been detected for Tx RAM memory. |
6 | MAC_EDAC_TX_E | 0 | Updated by Ethernet when a 1-bit SECDED error has been detected and is corrected for Tx RAM memory. |
5 | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
4 | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
3 | ESRAM1_EDAC_2E | 0 | Updated by the eSRAM_1 controller when a 2-bit SECDED error has been detected for eSRAM1 memory. |
2 | ESRAM1_EDAC_1E | 0 | Updated by the eSRAM_1 Controller when a 1-bit SECDED error has been detected and is corrected for eSRAM1 memory. |
1 | ESRAM0_EDAC_2E | 0 | Updated by the eSRAM_0 controller when a 2-bit SECDED error has been detected for eSRAM0 memory. |
0 | ESRAM0_EDAC_1E | 0 | Updated by the eSRAM_0 controller when a 1-bit SECDED error has been detected and is corrected for eSRAM0 memory. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:14] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
13 | CAN_EDAC_CNTCLR_2E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in CAN corresponding to the count value of EDAC 2-bit errors. This in turn clears the upper 16 bits of the CAN_EDAC_CNT register. |
12 | CAN_EDAC_CNTCLR_1E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in CAN corresponding to the count value of EDAC 1-bit errors. This in turn clears the lower 16 bits of the CAN_EDAC_CNT register. |
11 | USB_EDAC_CNTCLR_2E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in USB corresponding to the count value of EDAC 2-bit errors. This in turn clears the upper 16 bits of the USB_EDAC_CNT register. |
10 | USB_EDAC_CNTCLR_1E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in USB corresponding to the count value of EDAC 1-bit errors. This in turn clears the lower 16 bits of the USB_EDAC_CNT register. |
9 | MAC_EDAC_RX_CNTCLR_2E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in Ethernet MAC Rx RAM corresponding to the count value of EDAC 2-bit errors. This in turn clears the upper 16 bits of the MAC_EDAC_RX_CNT register. |
8 | MAC_EDAC_RX_CNTCLR_1E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in Ethernet MAC Rx RAM corresponding to the count value of EDAC 1-bit errors. This in turn clears the lower 16 bits of the MAC_EDAC_RX_CNT register. |
7 | MAC_EDAC_TX_CNTCLR_2E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in Ethernet MAC Tx RAM corresponding to the count value of EDAC 2-bit errors. This in turn clears the upper 16 bits of the MAC_EDAC_TX_CNT register. |
6 | MAC_EDAC_TX_CNTCLR_1E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in Ethernet MAC Tx RAM corresponding to the count value of EDAC 1-bit errors. This in turn clears the lower 16 bits of the MAC_EDAC_TX_CNT register. |
5 | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
4 | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
3 | ESRAM1_EDAC_CNTCLR_2E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in ESRAM1 corresponding to the count value of EDAC 2-bit errors. This in turn clears the upper 16 bits of the Table 5-11 register. |
2 | ESRAM1_EDAC_CNTCLR_1E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in eSRAM1 corresponding to count value of EDAC 1-bit errors. This in turn clears the lower 16 bits of the Table 5-11 register. |
1 | ESRAM0_EDAC_CNTCLR_2E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in ESRAM0 corresponding to count value of EDAC 2bit Errors. This in turn clears the upper 16 bits of the Table 5-10 register. |
0 | ESRAM0_EDAC_CNTCLR_1E | 0 | Generated to clear the 16-bit counter value in ESRAM0 corresponding to the count value of EDAC 1-bit errors. This in turn clears the lower 16 bits of the Table 5-10 register. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:15] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
14 | MDDR_ECC_INT_EN | 0 | Allows the error EDAC for MDDR status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: MDDR_EDAC_2E_EN is disabled. 1: MDDR_EDAC_2E_EN is enabled. |
13 | CAN_EDAC_2E_EN | 0 | Allows the 2-bit error EDAC for CAN status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: CAN_EDAC_2E_EN is disabled. 1: CAN_EDAC_2E_EN is enabled. |
12 | CAN_EDAC_1E_EN | 0 | Allows the 1-bit error EDAC for CAN status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: CAN_EDAC_1E_EN is disabled. 1: CAN_EDAC_1E_EN is enabled. |
11 | USB_EDAC_2E_EN | 0 | Allows the 2-bit error EDAC for USB status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: USB_EDAC_2E_EN is disabled. 1: USB_EDAC_2E_EN is enabled. |
10 | USB_EDAC_1E_EN | 0 | Allows the 1-bit error EDAC for USB status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: USB_EDAC_1E_EN is disabled. 1: USB_EDAC_1E_EN is enabled. |
9 | MAC_EDAC_RX_2E_EN | 0 | Allows the 2-bit error EDAC for Ethernet Rx RAM status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: MAC_EDAC_RX_2E_EN is disabled. 1: MAC_EDAC_RX_2E_EN is enabled. |
8 | MAC_EDAC_RX_1E_EN | 0 | Allows the 1-bit error EDAC for Ethernet Rx RAM status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: MAC_EDAC_RX_1E_EN is disabled. 1: MAC_EDAC_RX_1E_EN is enabled. |
7 | MAC_EDAC_TX_2E_EN | 0 | Allows the 2-bit error EDAC for Ethernet Tx RAM status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: MAC_EDAC_TX_2E_EN is disabled. 1: MAC_EDAC_TX_2E_EN is enabled. |
6 | MAC_EDAC_TX_1E_EN | 0 | Allows the 1-bit error EDAC for Ethernet Tx RAM status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: MAC_EDAC_TX_1E_EN is disabled. 1: MAC_EDAC_TX_1E_EN is enabled. |
5 | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
4 | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
3 | ESRAM1_EDAC_2E_EN | 0 | Allows the 2-bit error EDAC for eSRAM1 status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: ESRAM1_EDAC_2E_EN is disabled. 1: ESRAM1_EDAC_2E_EN is enabled. |
2 | ESRAM1_EDAC_1E_EN | 0 | Allows the 1-bit error EDAC for eSRAM1 status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: ESRAM1_EDAC_1E_EN is disabled. 1: ESRAM1_EDAC_1E_EN is enabled. |
1 | ESRAM0_EDAC_2E_EN | 0 | Allows the 2-bit error EDAC for eSRAM0 status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: ESRAM0_EDAC_2E_EN is disabled. 1: ESRAM0_EDAC_2E_EN is enabled. |
0 | ESRAM0_EDAC_1E_EN | 0 | Allows the 1-bit error EDAC for eSRAM0 status update to be disabled. Allowed values: 0: ESRAM0_EDAC_1E_EN is disabled. 1: ESRAM0_EDAC_1E_EN is enabled. |
Bit Number | Name | Reset Value | Description |
[31:7] | Reserved | 0 | Reserved. |
6 | CAN_EDAC_EN | 0 | Allows the EDAC for CAN to be disabled.
Allowed values: 0: EDAC disabled 1: EDAC enabled |
5 | USB_EDAC_EN | 0 | Allows the EDAC for USB to be disabled.
Allowed values: 0: EDAC disabled 1: EDAC enabled |
4 | MAC_EDAC_RX_EN | 0 | Allows the EDAC for Ethernet Rx RAM to be
disabled. Allowed values: 0: Rx RAM EDAC disabled 1: Rx RAM EDAC enabled |
3 | MAC_EDAC_TX_EN | 0 | Allows the EDAC for Ethernet Tx RAM to be
disabled. Allowed values: 0: Tx RAM EDAC disabled 1: Tx RAM EDAC enabled |
2 | Reserved | 0 | Reserved |
1 | ESRAM1_EDAC_EN | 0 | Allows the EDAC for eSRAM1 to be disabled.
Allowed values: 0: EDAC disabled 1: EDAC enabled |
0 | ESRAM0_EDAC_EN | 0 | Allows the EDAC for eSRAM0 to be disabled.
Allowed values: 0: EDAC disabled 1: EDAC enabled |