2.93.36 RTC_Timer16PeriodSet Function
void RTC_Timer16PeriodSet ( uint16_t period )
Set the 16-bit timer period value.
This function sets the 16-bit timer period value. The counter value will be compared against the period value and a period expiry event will occur when the counter matches the period. If the library is configured for interrupt mode and if a event handler function has been set through the RTC_Timer16CallbackRegister() function, the event handling function will be called. Additionally the RTC_Timer16CounterHasOverflowed() function will return true. When the match occurs, the counter will be reset and the counting will start again.
Setting the period to a non-zero value will cause the timer counter to operate as a timer that counts up to a specific value and resets. Setting the period to 0 will cause the timer counter to operate as counter, using the full range of the 16-bit timer, that can be used to measure a time duration.
RTC_Initialize must have been called for the associated RTC instance. The RTC peripheral should have been configured in 16-bit Timer Counter mode.
Param | Description |
period | timer period value |
uint16_t period = 0x0FFF; RTC_Initialize(); RTC_Timer16PeriodSet(period); RTC_Timer16CounterSet(0); RTC_Timer16Start(); while(!RTC_Timer16CounterHasOverflowed());
The RTC_Timer16Start() should typically be called after the period has been set.