37.4.5 I3CxSTAT0

  1. Will not self-clear after the event. The user must clear this bit to re-arm.
  2. The bus may be active even when the Target is Idle.
  3. These bits only apply for Private I3C/I2C Transfers. The R/W bit is not captured during non-Private Transactions (like CCC, IBI, or Hot-Join).
  4. These bits are not updated when the device is in sleep. The correct values are loaded at the end of the second instruction cycle after the device wakes up from sleep.
  5. In case of a race condition, user writes always take precedence over hardware events.
Name: I3CxSTAT0
Address: 0x087, 0x0BA

Status 0

Bit 76543210 
Reset 10001000 

Bit 7 – BFREE  Bus Free Condition Status

1 Bus is idle and there are no transactions happening on the bus
0 Bus is not idle and there is a transaction happening on the bus

Bits 6:5 – OPMD[1:0]  Operating Mode Status

11 The Target is operating in I3C mode; The bus is operating in High Data Rate (HDR) mode
10 The Target is operating in Legacy I2C mode; The bus is operating in High Data Rate (HDR) mode
01 The Target is operating in I3C mode; The bus is operating in Single Data Rate (SDR) mode
00 The Target is operating in Legacy I2C mode; The bus is operating in Single Data Rate (SDR) mode

Bit 4 – RSTDET  Reset Pattern Detected(1)

1 A Target Reset Pattern has been detected on the bus
0 A Target Reset Pattern has not been detected on the bus

Bit 3 – TXBE  Transmit Buffer Empty Status

1 I3CxTXB is empty and safe to write
0 I3CxTXB is not empty and must not be written

Bit 2 – RXBF  Receive Buffer Full Status

1 Data in I3CxRXB is ready to be read
0 Data in I3CxRXB is not ready to be read

Bits 1:0 – RNW[1:0]  Read/nWrite (R/W) Status(2, 3, 4)

11 Reserved
10 The last Private/I2C Transaction that was ACK'd by the Target was a Write operation (Controller writing to Target)
01 The last Private/I2C Transaction that was ACK'd by the Target was a Read operation (Controller reading from Target)
00 The Target is Idle or operating in non-Private/I2C Transaction
Will not self-clear after the event. The user must clear this bit to re-arm. The bus may be active even when the Target is Idle. These bits only apply for Private I3C/I2C Transfers. The R/W bit is not captured during non-Private Transactions (like CCC, IBI, or Hot-Join). These bits are not updated when the device is in sleep. The correct values are loaded at the end of the second instruction cycle after the device wakes up from sleep. In case of a race condition, user writes always take precedence over hardware events.