37.4.16 I3CxBIDL

  1. The value of this register is determined as the number of I3CxCLK clocks corresponding to the Bus Idle Condition. An internal counter incremented by the I3CxCLK clock is compared against this value to determine when a Bus Idle Condition occurs.
  2. To guarantee expected behavior, this register should only be written when the module is disabled (EN = 0).
Name:  I3CxBIDL
Address: 0x092, 0x0C5

Bus Idle Condition Threshold

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 15:0 – BIDL[15:0]  Bus Idle Condition Threshold

The value of this register is determined as the number of I3CxCLKI3CxCLK clocks corresponding to the Bus Idle Condition. An internal counter incremented by the I3CxCLK clock is compared against this value to determine when a Bus Idle Condition occurs. To guarantee expected behavior, this register should only be written when the module is disabled (EN Target Enable = 0).