21.8.38 remove_disable_timing


Removes a disable timing constraint by specifying its arguments, or its ID. If the arguments do not match a disable timing constraint, or if the ID does not refer to a disable timing constraint, the command fails.

remove_disable_timing -from value -to value name -id constraint_ID


fromstringSpecifies the starting port. The -from and -to arguments must either both be present or both omitted for the constraint to be valid.
namestringSpecifies the cell(instance) name where the disable timing constraint will be removed. It is an error to supply both a cell name and a constraint ID, as they are mutually exclusive. No wildcards are allowed when specifying a clock name, either alone or in an accessor command.
tostringSpecifies the ending port. The -from arguments must either both be present or both omitted for the constraint to be valid.
idstringSpecifies the constraint name where the disable timing constraint will be removed. It is an error to supply both a cell name and a constraint ID, as they are mutually exclusive. No wildcards are allowed when specifying a clock name, either alone or in an accessor command.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneRequired parameter _AtclParam0_ is missing.
NoneOnly one argument is needed.

Supported Families

PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


You cannot use wildcards when specifying a clock name, either alone or in an accessor command such as get_pins or get_ports.


The following example removes disable timing constraint between A and Y ports.

remove_disable_timing -from A -to Y -id new_constraint

Related Examples on GitHub

See Also