21.8.58 set_external_delay


Specifies the external delay between -from and -to ports (outside of chip). The delay is considered during Timing Analysis for PLL external feedback delay calculation when the PLL output goes outside of the chip through the -from pin, and re-enters the chip through the -to pin, which then connects to the PLL feedback clock input pin.

Important: This constraint is not supported by the Synplify Pro Synthesis software. In Libero flow, this constraint is skipped for Synplify Pro Synthesis software.
set_external_delay ‑from value ‑to value [‑min] [‑max] <delay_value>


fromstringSpecifies the output port that is connected to PLL output. This argument is mandatory.
tostringSpecifies the input port that is connected to PLL feedback. This argument is mandatory.
minflagSpecifies the external feedback delay for minimum analysis.
maxflagSpecifies the external feedback delay for maximum analysis.
delay_value realSpecifies the external delay value between -from to -to ports in nanoseconds. This argument is mandatory. If neither the -min nor -max parameter value is specified, the same delay_value is used for both minimum and maximum analysis.
Return TypeDescription
voidNo return type

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
SDC0015Invalid external delay constraint: port list <specified_port> is incorrect.
SDC0078Invalid external delay constraint: shared -from or -to ports
SDC0061Error in command set_external_delay: Parameter -from has illegal value
SDC0061Error in command set_external_delay: Parameter -to has illegal value

Supported Families

PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


The following example sets the PLL external feedback off-chip delay between ports GL0_CLK_OUT and FB_CLK_IN to 3 ns.
set_external_delay -from [ get_ports { GL0_CLK_OUT} ] -to [ get_ports { FB_CLK_IN } ] 3.0