21.8.9 create_set


Creates a set of paths to be analyzed. Use the arguments to specify which paths to include. To create a set that is a subset of a clock domain, specify it with the -clock and -type arguments. To create a set that is a subset of an inter-clock domain set, specify it with the -source_clock and -sink_clock arguments. To create a set that is a subset (filter) of an existing named set, specify the set to be filtered with the -parent_set argument.

create_set\ -name <name>\ -parent_set <name>\ -type <set_type>\ -clock <clock name> \ -
source_clock <clock name>\ -sink_clock <clock name>\ -in_to_out\ -source <port/pin pattern> \
-sink <port/pin pattern>


namestringSpecifies a unique name for the newly created path set.
parent_setstringSpecifies the name of the set to filter from.
clockstringSpecifies that the set is to be a subset of the given clock domain. This argument is valid only if you also specify the -type argument.
typestringSpecifies the predefined set type on which to base the new path set. You can only use this argument with the -clock argument, not by itself.
  • reg_to_reg - paths between registers in the design.
  • async_to_reg - paths from asynchronous pins to registers.
  • reg_to_async - paths from registers to asynchronous pins.
  • external_recovery - the set of paths from inputs to asynchronous pins.
  • external_removal - the set of paths from inputs to asynchronous pins.
  • external_setup - paths from input ports to registers.
  • external_hold - paths from input ports to registers.
  • clock_to_out - paths from registers to output ports.
in_to_outNoneSpecifies that the set is based on the "Input to Output" set, which includes paths that start at input ports and end at output ports.
source_clockstringSpecifies that the set will be a subset of an inter-clock domain set with the given source clock. You can only use this option with the -sink_clock argument.
sink_clockstringSpecifies that the set will be a subset of an inter-clock domain set with the given sink clock. You can only use this option with the -source_clock argument.
sourcestringSpecifies a filter on the source pins of the parent set. If you do not specify a parent set, this option filters all pins in the current design.
sinkstringSpecifies a filter on the sink pins of the parent set. If you do not specify a parent set, this option filters all pins in the current design.

Supported Families

PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


The following example creates set with "my_user_set" name. Filters all C* ports and D* pins in the current design.

create_set -name { my_user_set } –source { C* } –sink { D* }

The following example creates set with my_other_user_set name that is a subset (filter) of an existing "my_user_set" set.

create_set -name { my_other_user_set } –parent_set { my_user_set } –source { CL* }

The following example creates set with another_set name which is the subset of an inter-clock domain set with the given source clock.

create_set -name { another_set } –source_clock { EXTERN_CLOCK } \
–sink_clock { MY_GEN_CLOCK }

Related Examples on GitHub

See Also