(Ask a Question)Description
This tcl command writes a word into the specified large TPSRAM location.
TPSRAM block has aspect ratio of 512x40 (ECC disabled) and 512x33 (ECC enabled). SmartDebug enhanced the physical block view to read and write as 40-bit and 33-bit data. The write value is more than the size of integer and hence provided a new parameter -tpsramValue to accommodate the changes
Write onto TPSRAM physical block → 40-bit wide or 33-bit wide for PF and 18-bit wide or 36-bit wide for RTG4
Physical block
write_lsram [-deviceName "device name"] \
-name {physical block name} \
-offset {offset value} \
-value {integer value} \
[-tpsramValue "TPSRAM physical block word value"]
Logical block
write_lsram [-deviceName "device name"] \
-logicalBlockName {block name} \
-port {port name} \
-offset {offset value} \
-logicalValue {hexadecimal value}
Parameter | Type | Description |
deviceName | string | Optional user-defined device name. The device name is not required if there is only one device in the current configuration, or a device has already been selected using the set_debug_device command. |
name | string | Specifies the name for the target block. |
logicalBlockName | string | Specifies the name of the user defined memory block. |
port | string | Specifies the port of the memory block selected. Can be either Port A or Port B. |
offset | integer | Offset (address) of the target word within the memory block. |
logicalValue | hexadecimal | Specifies the hexadecimal value to be written to the memory block. Size of the value is equal to the width of the output port selected. |
value | integer | Word to be written to the target location. Depending on the configuration of memory blocks, the width can be 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20 bits. This is an integer, which minimum value is 0 and may go up to depending on the size of each location} |
tpsramValue | integer | integer value, minimum value is 0 to (2^N - 1) where N is number of bits configured. PolarFire , PolarFire Soc and RTG4 only. |
Return Type | Description |
None | None |
Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
None | Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is'write_lsram [-deviceName "device name"] [-name "LSRAM block name"] [-logicalBlockName "USRAM user defined block name"] [-port "LSRAM port name"] [-offset "integer value"] [-logicalValue "LSRAM block word value"] [-value "integer value"] [-tpsramValue "TPSRAM physical block word value"]'. |
None | Parameter 'name' has illegal value |
None | Missing argument. Must specify '-name' or '-logicalBlockName'. |
None | Parameter 'logicalValue' has illegal value. |
None | Error write LSRAM block PF_DPSRAM_C0_0/PF_DPSRAM_C0_0: Target memory block should first be read before write.. |
None | Parameter 'logicalBlockName' has illegal value. |
None | LSRAM block cannot be read. Use phyical block option to read. |
None | RAM port name must be specified. |
None | Parameter 'port' has illegal value. |
None | Port port_name is an invalid Port name. |
None | Parameter 'file' has illegal value Parameter 'tpsramValue' has illegal value. |
None | Parameter 'value' has illegal value. |
None | value: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting integer value). |
None | Parameter 'offset' has illegal value. |
None | offset: Invalid argument value: 'value' (expecting integer value). |
None | Active probe value must be specified. |
Supported Families
PolarFire |
PolarFire SoC |
SmartFusion 2 |
RTG4 |
write_lsram -name {PF_DPSRAM_C0_0/INST_RAM1K20_IP} \
-offset 3 -value 69905
write_lsram -logicalBlockName {PF_DPSRAM_C0_0/PF_DPSRAM_C0_0} \
-port {Port B} -offset {1} -logicalValue {0xA} \
-tpsramValue 300
See Also