Soft Processor in FPGA Fabric
If MSS peripheral interrupt sources to be used as an interrupt sources to a soft processor within the FPGA fabric, the following steps to be implemented in soft processor:
Step 1 - Enabling the MSS to the Fabric Interrupt
Set M2F interrupt enable register bit of MSS peripheral in <Table 22-7> or <Table 22-8> registers.
For example, to enable Timer1 MSS to fabric interrupt (MSS_INT_M2F [10]), TIMER1_INTR_ENBL bit in Table 22-7 register must be set.
Step 2 - Initialize and Configure Peripheral
Refer to peripheral chapters for initialization, configuration, and use model.
Step 3 - Enable Peripheral Interrupt
Refer to peripheral chapters for interrupt enable registers.
For example, you need to set TIMxINTEN bit in Table 18-8 register for Timer1 interrupt.
Steps 4 - Clear Peripheral Interrupt
Refer to peripheral chapters for interrupt clear registers.
For example, you need to set TIMx_RIS bit in Table 18-9 register for clearing Timer1 interrupt.