20.2.2 VDD Power-Up to Functional Time

The core supply voltage VDD is connected to the appropriate source, and VDD is monitored by the Power-on Reset circuitry to check if it reaches the minimum threshold value and initiates the system controller to release the device from reset. This scenario provides power-up to functional time data when only the FPGA fabric and the FPGA I/O are used with all supplies ramped up except VDD, which is ramped up at the end. The required Power-on Reset delay is set using the Libero SoC tool.

The design uses a fabric counter that starts to operate when POWER_ON_RESET_N is deasserted. The LSB of the counter output is connected to a latch and given to an output buffer, which is then connected to an input buffer of the fabric using an external loopback. This input is used to stop the counter from incrementing. The counter stops as soon as the counter's LSB bit transitions to logic HIGH. The power-up to functional time is measured from the VDD supply ramp to the transition of the fabric buffer output.

The following figure shows the characterization test design setup used for obtaining the VDD power-up to functional timing values.

Important: In this test design setup, PLL is not used and instead clock for the fabric is directly fed from the RC oscillator. If PLL is used in the design, then the power-up to functional time will get impacted because of the PLL lock assertion time.
Figure 20-6. VDD Power-Up to Functional Time Design Setup

The following figure shows the behavior of different signals when VDD is ramped with a Power-on Reset delay of 1 ms from 0V to its minimum threshold level and MSS is used with VDD = 1.2V, VDDI = 2.5V, 
Tj = 25 °C, and Power-on Reset delay setting = 1 ms.

Figure 20-7. VDD Power-up to functional timing diagram

The following table lists power-up to functional time data of M2S005, M2S010, M2S025, M2S050, M2S060, M2S090, and M2S150 devices with MSS clock ranging from 3 MHz to 166 MHz.

Important: The timing numbers shown in the below table is for worst-case condition.
Table 20-1. VDD Power-Up to Functional Time
Test CaseStart PointEnd PointDescriptionPower-Up to Functional Time (µs)
Case1POWER_ON_R ESET_NOutput available at I/OFabric to output647500531483474524647
Case 2POWER_ON_R ESET_NMSS_RESET_N_ M2FFabric to MSS644497528480468518641
Case 3MSS_RESET_N_M2FOutput available at I/OMSS to output3.
Case 4VDDOutput available at I/OVDD at its minimum threshold level to output3096297530122959286929923225
Case 5VDDPOWER_ON_ RESET_NVDD at its minimum threshold level to fabric2476248724962486240625632602
Case 6VDDMSS_RESET_N_ M2FVDD at its minimum threshold level to MSS3093297230082956286429873220
Case 7VDDDDRIO input buffer weak pullVDD at its minimum threshold level to input buffer weak pull2500248725092475250725192617
VDDMSIO input buffer weak pullVDD at its minimum threshold level to input buffer weak pull2504249125102478251725252620
VDDMSIOD input buffer weak pullVDD at its minimum threshold level to input buffer weak pull2479246824932458248624992595
Important: Time taken for different Power-on Reset delay settings can be calculated using the following equation: 
(Test case – 2000 µs) + 2 × Power on Reset Delay setting.

The following figure shows stages that contribute to VDD power-up to functional time for SmartFusion 2.

Figure 20-8. VDD Power-Up to Functional Time Flow
Important: Power-up to functional time depends on Power-on Reset delay setting, 1 MHz oscillator frequency, and period variability. At times, it is approximately equal to twice the Power-on Reset delay setting.