SysTick Timer Configuration
The SysTick timer can be configured using the Libero software, as shown in Figure 1-3, for the SysTick calibration value; which is the rollover value of the internal SysTick timer, and SysTick clock frequency as the division (4, 8, 16, or 32) of Cortex-M3 clock. This value is loaded into the STCLK_DIVISOR register and it has to be configured to make sure that the SysTick clock frequency is less than half of the frequency of Cortex-M3. SysTick also can be configured using the firmware by using the following register, as depicted in the following table
Name of Register | Access Type | Address | Reset value |
SysTick Control & Status | Read/Write | 0xE000E010 | 0x0 |
SysTick Reload value | Read/Write | 0xE000E014 | Unpredictable |
SysTick Current Value | Read/Write clear | 0xE000E018 | Unpredictable |
SysTick Calibration value | Read-only | 0xE000E01C | STCALIB set through the Libero® software |