SysTick Control and Status Register

The SYST_CTRL register enables the SysTick features. See the register summary in the preceding table for its attributes. The bit assignments are:

Figure 2-41. SYST_CTRL Register Bit Assignments
Table 2-66. SYST_CTRL Register Bit Assignments
[16]COUNTFLAGReturns 1 if timer counted to 0 since last time this was read.
[2]CLKSOURCESelects the SysTick timer clock source:

1: processor clock. Determined by STCLK_DIVISOR bits in M3 Configuration Register register.

[1]TICKINTEnables SysTick exception request:

0: counting down to zero does not assert the SysTick exception request

1: counting down to zero to asserts the SysTick exception request.

Software can use COUNTFLAG to determine if SysTick has ever counted to zero.

[0]ENABLEEnables the counter:

0: counter disabled

1: counter enabled.

When ENABLE is set to 1, the counter loads the RELOAD value from the SYST_RVR register and then counts down. On reaching 0, it sets the COUNTFLAG to 1 and optionally asserts the SysTick depending on the value of TICKINT. It then loads the RELOAD value again, and begins counting.