7.7.4 PIR2

Peripheral Interrupt Request (Flag) Register 2

Note: Interrupt flag bits are set when an interrupt condition occurs, regardless of the state of its corresponding enable bit or the Global Enable bit, GIE, of the INTCON appropriate interrupt flag bits are clear prior to enabling an interrupt.
Name: PIR2
Address: 0x70E

Bit 76543210 
Access R/W/HSR/W/HSR/W/HS 
Reset 000 

Bit 6 – ZCDIF Zero-Cross Detect Interrupt Flag bit

1 An enabled rising and/or falling ZCD1 event has been detected (must be cleared in software)
0 No ZCD1 event has occurred

Bits 0, 1 – CnIF Comparator ‘n’ Interrupt Flag bit

1 Comparator Cn interrupt asserted (must be cleared in software)
0 Comparator Cn interrupt not asserted
Interrupt flag bits are set when an interrupt condition occurs, regardless of the state of its corresponding enable bit or the Global Enable bit, GIE, of the INTCON appropriate interrupt flag bits are clear prior to enabling an interrupt.