37.4.18 I3CxBTO

  1. The value of this register is determined as the number of I3CxCLK clocks corresponding to a desired Bus Time-Out duration. An internal counter incremented by the I3CxCLK clock is compared against this value to determine when a Bus Time-out occurs.
  2. To ensure expected behavior, this register should only be written when the module is disabled (EN = 0).
Name: I3CxBTO
Address: 0x095, 0x0C8

Bus Time-out Threshold

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 15:0 – BTO[15:0]  Bus Time-out Threshold

The value of this register is determined as the number of I3CxCLKI3CxCLK clocks corresponding to a desired Bus Time-Out duration. An internal counter incremented by the I3CxCLK clock is compared against this value to determine when a Bus Time-out occurs. To ensure expected behavior, this register should only be written when the module is disabled (EN Target Enable = 0).