43.23 SPI Module Electrical Specifications

Table 43-28. SPI Module Host Mode Electrical Specifications
AC Characteristics Standard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9-3.6V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
MSP_1 FSCK SCK frequency 32 MHz Fixed pins
24 Remappable pins
MSP_2 TSCK SCK time period 31.25 μs Fixed pins
41.66 Remappable pins
MSP_3 TSCL SCK output low time tsck/2 ns
MSP_5 TSCH SCK output high time tsck/2 ns
MSP_7 TSCF SCK and MOSI output fall time 8.0 ns

CLOAD = 50 pF

See parameter DI27 I/O spec

CLOAD = 20 pF

See parameter DI27 I/O spec
MSP_9 TSCR SCK and MOSI output rise time 8.0 ns

CLOAD = 50 pF

See parameter DI27 I/O spec
6.0 CLOAD = 20 pF

See parameter DI27 I/O spec

MSP_11 TMOV MOSI Data output valid after SCK 11 17 ns VDDIO(Min), CLOAD = 30 pF(MIN)
MSP_13 TMOH MOSI hold after SCK 5 ns
MSP_15 TMIS MISO setup time of data input to SCK 5 ns
MSP_17 TMIH MISO hold time of data input to SCK 5 ns
Figure 43-14. SPI Host Module CPHA=0 Timing Diagrams
Figure 43-15. SPI Host Module CPHA=1 Timing Diagrams
  1. Assumes VDDIO(min) and 30 pF external load on all SPIx pins unless otherwise noted.
Table 43-29. SPI Module Client Mode Electrical Specifications
AC Characteristics Standard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9-3.6V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ Max. Units Conditions
SSP_1 FSCK SCK frequency 16 MHz VDDIO = 1.9V or VDDIO(min) whichever is greater, CLOAD = 30 pF(MIN) fixed pins
12 Remappable pins
SSP_2 TSCK SCK time period 62.5 μs VDDIO = 1.9V or VDDIO(min) whichever is greater, CLOAD = 30 pF(MIN)
SSP_3 TSCL SCK output low time tsck/2 ns
SSP_5 TSCH SCK output high time tsck/2 ns
SSP_7 TSCF SCK and MOSI output fall time 8.0 ns

CLOAD = 50 pF

CLOAD = 20 pF

See parameter DI27 I/O spec
SSP_9 TSCR SCK and MOSI output rise time 8.0 ns

CLOAD = 50 pF

CLOAD = 20 pF

See parameter DI27 I/O spec
SSP_11 TSOV MOSI data output valid after SCK 17 ns VDDIO = 3.3V, CLOAD = 30 pFMIN)
SSP_15 TSIS MISO setup time of data input to SCK 5 ns
SSP_17 TSIH MISO hold time of data input to SCK 0 ns
SSP_23 SPI_GCLK SERCOM SPI input clock frequency, GCLK_SPI 64 MHz
Figure 43-16. SPI Client Module CPHA=0 Timing Diagrams
Figure 43-17. SPI Client Module CPHA=1 Timing Diagrams