43.9 Sleep Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (85°C)

Table 43-10. Sleep Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications
DC Characteristics Standard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp
Param. No. Symbol Characteristics VDDIO Typ.(1) Max. Units Conditions
SPWR_1 IDD_SLEEP MCU IDD in Sleep mode w/LDO mode selected 3.3V 0.58 10.6 mA XTAL = OFF
SPWR_5 3.3V 0.88 10.1 mA XTAL = ON
SPWR_29 MCU IDD in Sleep mode w/BUCK mode selected 3.3V 0.67 10.7 mA XTAL = ON
SPWR_33 3.3V 0.49 11.0 mA XTAL = OFF
  1. Typical value measured during characterization across voltage and temperature.
  2. The test conditions are as follows:
    • All GPIO are input and pulled up.
    • All peripherals disabled with PMD bits.
    • All PB clocks are divided by 16.
    • LPRC is set as LPCLK.
    • SOSC is disabled.
    • CLDO is configured at lowest possible voltage (VREG Trim = 0x07).
    • PMU is configured to the Buck PSM mode on the Sleep Mode Entry.
    • Cache is enabled and configured wait time as 0xF.
    • WCM memories configured in Retention + NAP mode.
    • DSU is disconnected.
    • RF system is in low power configuration.
    • Entry to the Sleep mode is enabled and WFI instruction is executed.
    • On exit by External interrupt, verified RCON status to ensure system was in Sleep mode.
    • In XTAL ON mode - PMU Buck clock is derived from POSC 16 MHz and scaled to 1 MHz. FRC is OFF.
    • In XTAL OFF mode - PMU is clocked from FRC and XTAL 16 MHz clock is disabled and clock configuration in CRU changed to FRC.
  3. These parameters are characterized but not tested in manufacturing.