43.17 XOSC32 AC Electrical Specifications

Table 43-18. XOSC32 AC Electrical Specifications
AC Characteristics Standard Operating Conditions: VDDIO = VDDANA 1.9V to 3.6V (unless otherwise stated) Operating Temperature: -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C for Industrial Temp

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp
Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions(1)
XOSC32_1 FOSC_XOSC32 XOSC32 oscillator crystal frequency 32.79 kHz XIN32, XOUT32 secondary oscillator
XOSC32_3 CXIN32 XOSC32 XIN32 parasitic pin capacitance 0.4 pF

0.4 pF at the SOC pins and 2.4 pF on the module

XOSC32_5 CXOUT32 XOSC32 XOUT32 parasitic pin capacitance 0.4 pF 0.4 pF at the SOC pins and 2.4 pF on the module
XOSC32_11 CLOAD_X32(3) 32.768 kHz crystal load capacitance 11 pF
XOSC32_12 pF
XOSC32_13 ESR_X32 32.768 kHz crystal ESR 75 100 KΩ
XOSC32_15 TOSC32 TOSC32 = 1/FOSC_XOSC32 30.5 µs See parameter XOSC32_1 for FOSC_XOSC32 value
XOSC32_17 XOSC32_ST(2) XOSC32 crystal start-up time 1024 TOSC Crystal stabilization time only not oscillator ready
  1. VDDIO = VDDANA = 3.3V.
  2. This is for guidance only. A major component of crystal start-up time is based on the second party crystal MFG parasitic that is outside the scope of this specification. If this is a major concern, the customer might need to characterize this based on their design choices.
  3. The test conditions for crystal load capacitor calculation are as follows:
    • Standard PCB trace capacitance = 1.5 pF per 12.5 mm (0.5 inches) (in other words, PCB STD TRACE W = 0.175 mm, H = 36 μm, T = 113 μm)
    • Xtal PCB capacitance typical; therefore, ~= 2.5 pF for a tight PCB xtal layout
    • For CXIN and CXOUT within 4 pF of each other, assume CXTAL_EFF = ((CXIN / 2)
    • Note: Averaging CXIN and CXOUT will affect the final calculated CLOAD value by less than the tolerance of the capacitor selection.
    Equation 1:
    M F G C L O A D S p e c = { ( [ C X I N + C 1 ] * [ C X O U T + C 2 ] ) / [ C X I N + C 1 + C 2 + C X O U T ] } + e s t i m a t e d o s c i l l a t o r P C B s t r a y c a p a c i t a n c e

    Assuming C1 = C2 and CXin ~= CXout, the formula can be further simplified and restated to solve for C1 and C2 by:

    Equation 43-3. Equation 2 (In other words: Simplified Equation 1)
    C 1 = C 2 = ( ( 2 * M F G C L O A D S p e c ) C X T A L _ E F F ( 2 * P C B c a p a c i t a n c e ) )


    • XTAL Mfg CLOAD Data Sheet Spec = 12 pF
    • PCB XTAL trace Capacitance = 2.5 pF
    • CXIN pin = 6.5 pF, CXOUT pin = 4.5 pF therefore CXTAL_EFF = ((CXIN / 2)

    CXTAL_EFF = ((6.5 + 4.5)/2) = 5.5 pF

    C1 = C2 = ((2 * MFG Cload spec) - CXTAL_EFF - (2 * PCB capacitance))

    C1 = C2 = (24 - 5.5 - (2 * 2.5))

    C1 = C2 = (24 - 5.5 - 5)

    C1 = C2 = 13.5 pF (Always rounded down)

    C1 = C2 = 13 pF (in other words, for hypothetical example crystal external load capacitors)

    User C1 = C2 = 13 pF ≤ CLOAD_X32 (max.) spec

  4. User selectable in OSC32KCTRL.STARTUP.
  5. These parameters are characterized but not tested in manufacturing.
Figure 43-13. XOSC32 Block Diagram